Scalp Problems Castor Oil Can Actually Help With

Everyone who's anyone in the beauty industry has no doubt come across the multifunctional sensation that is castor oil. Castor oil is one of the most versatile natural products on the market. It can serve to alleviate dry skin in oil form, is used in the making of lotions and creams as a moisturizer, and can be used in ointments that promote healing for wounds. Not only can castor oil be applied topically, but it is also useful inside the body and is widely ingested as a laxative for those suffering from constipation. One of its most popular uses, though is for the hair and scalp. 

Castor oil contains fatty acids which are great for nourishing your head. Many people suffer from scalp issues which in turn affect their hair health, but with its moisturizing benefits, there are a number of ways castor oil can lend you a helping hand when it comes to pampering your scalp.

Castor oil is antimicrobial and can aid dandruff and hair loss

Castor oil contains Omega-9 fatty acids such as ricinoleic acid, Omega-6 fatty acids, and vitamin E. It is used around the world to treat basic scalp problems, which can lead to healthier hair. Per Healthline, castor oil can also provide aid for scalp infections due to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Just massage some drops of castor oil onto your scalp to curb an infection or prevent it ahead of time — better safe than sorry.

For those of us who can't seem to get rid of our dandruff problem, castor oil might also just be the thing to end it for good. Because of its potent moisturizing strength, it can put a stop to excessive dryness. After washing and conditioning your hair, towel dry it and apply some castor oil to your scalp. The oil is an effective mask and will act as a barrier to prevent moisture from escaping your head.

If you are experiencing hair loss, try massaging some castor oil onto your scalp as well. Your follicles receive nourishment directly from your blood circulation and what better way to improve that circulation than a good massage? Although there is no scientific evidence that castor oil itself grows hair, its moisturizing and nutrient qualities can assist in growth and development.

Things to consider before trying out castor oil on your scalp

While castor oil is one of the best oils for every hair type, it can have adverse effects if not utilized properly. Firstly, as with all products, you should conduct a patch test to make sure your scalp can stand the oil. Some people experience sensitivity to castor oil and even allergic reactions.

Because castor oil is a thick oil, it is usually mixed with thinner oils such as coconut or almond oil. This is to dilute the castor oil, so you may want to try mixing it if using pure castor oil. If you already have an oily scalp, then using a heavy oil such as castor might not be the best decision for your hair. Putting castor oil in your hair may also cause hair felting in some people with long hair, which basically means that it can make your hair tangled and matted.

Overall, the best thing for you to do if you are unsure about using castor oil or its products is to visit a hair professional to assess your situation and make an informed decision for your particular case.
