Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Facial Bloating

No one likes to wake up to find they have a bloated face. It makes facial features seem distorted and puffy, and it can feel uncomfortable, too. However, in today's world, it's an unfortunate inevitability, and our busy and hectic lifestyles can account for much of the blame.

Yet it's not always our lifestyle habits that can leave us with a puffy face. Sometimes, fluid retention in the face can be a sign of something wrong and caused by medical conditions. These include thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, (PCOS), Cushing's syndrome, and various other autoimmune diseases. It can also stem from the medications used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, as well as corticosteroids and even ibuprofen and aspirin.

Fortunately, facial bloating is often temporary and dependent on what we have consumed, whether from eating or drinking. Still, other times, it can be a reaction to cosmetics or a result of sleeping patterns. Rest assured there are simple ways to get rid of facial bloating and get you back to looking like your old self again.

Kitchen home remedies

"Facial puffiness is essentially caused by water retention, which can occur as a result of things ranging from hormones to diet to stress," board-certified dermatologist Dr. Marie Hayag tells Real Simple. Once you notice the puffiness in the morning, a few simple home staples can work to reduce it.

The first go-to is cold water, which Hayag says helps "instantly constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling." You can splash cold water on your face upon waking up or apply ice to areas of swelling. A cold compress, washcloth, or ice chips also work, as does the tried and true remedy of applying cold slices of cucumber to the skin. Some people even use cold teaspoons.

Next, make a cup of tea, but don't boil the water. Simply make it warm and add two tea bags for a few minutes, then remove them and place them in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Then place one tea bag directly on each eyelid for another few minutes to reduce bloat and shrink blood vessels in the eyelids. 

Try facial rollers

Facial rollers provide a two-punch hit to facial bloating. They provide a cool object to rub on your skin, and many of them contain nourishing ingredients that can hydrate and soothe the skin, like aloe. Facial rollers are also essential in getting your lymphatic system moving.

When your face is puffy, it's usually due to fluids that have accumulated while you were sleeping. This is especially true if you sleep on your stomach and lay face down. When you get up and move around, that helps the fluid drain somewhat, but using facial rollers can speed up the process. It's best to make small circular movements using crystal rollers, jade rollers, or gua sha stones

Besides helping move fluid along, the massaging motion also helps the body rid itself of toxins. If you don't have a facial roller, you can use your fingertips to make small circles and get the same results.

Exercise to boost lymphatic drainage

Though many remedies for facial bloating naturally target the face, taking care of your whole body can help your face de-puff. First and foremost, getting regular exercise and moving your body helps lymphatic fluids move around and drain. Yoga, deep stretching, and bouncing on a trampoline are some ways to encourage healthy lymphatic flow.

"Bounce is more effective than other workouts for lymphatic drainage because of the effects of gravity and your body's muscle contractions while on the trampoline," explains Aly Giampolo, owner of trampoline studio the ness (via Well+ Good). "You can achieve movements that you wouldn't otherwise be able to without bouncing, which increases circulation of these lymph fluids."

If you have a diagnosed medical condition that is known to cause puffiness, the focus should be on getting it optimally managed and under control. If puffiness persists no matter what you try and you haven't been diagnosed with any condition, it's time to see your doctor.

Antihistamines for seasonal and makeup allergies

Puffiness can also be a sign of allergies. Seasonal allergy sufferers often experience puffiness when their system reacts to irritants in the environment. People with hay fever, asthma, and eczema also tend to puff more than most. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, allergies can often progress to recurrent sinus infections, which can also increase facial puffiness and result in chronic sinus problems. One way to quell bloating from allergens is to take a regular daily antihistamine to keep allergies in check.

Other times, an allergy may be a result of a contact irritant. One of the most common irritants that can cause puffiness is makeup. Besides puffiness, you may also get a rash or red blotches that can hurt or are itchy (or both).

Ironically, "The longer you use a product, the more likely you are to develop an allergy to it," says Dermatologist Dr. Walter J. Liszewski, via Northwestern Medicine. "Makeup allergies are common, but if you are allergic to a product, do not use it again."

Prevent puffiness with lifestyle choices

The easiest way to stamp out facial bloating is to prevent it in the first place. You can work towards it by maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle. Avoid salty and processed foods, alcohol, and sugary drinks. "Alcohol lowers a naturally occurring anti-diuretic hormone, causing the body to lose more fluids and become dehydrated," dermatologist Dr. Nicole Hayre tells Yahoo! Sports.

Drink plenty of water to balance sodium levels. Celebrity facialist Joanna Czech advises snacking on apples and tomatoes, which contain lots of potassium (via Town & Country). "Potassium is a vital electrolyte for the functioning of all your cells," says Czech. "It helps control the amount of water you retain."

Sleep is also integral. If you sleep too much or too little, you can acquire a puffy face. Sleeping excessively allows more time for fluid to pool, and not getting enough sleep prevents your body from healing and repairing. It also helps to use an extra pillow or prop up your bed a bit to keep your head elevated. A decent eight hours is ideal.
