King Charles Protestors At Coronation Met With Boos From Loyal Crowd - Exclusive Video

On King Charles III's coronation day, nothing could stand in the way of the solemn and joyful ceremony — certainly not the weather. Despite the steady London drizzle, thousands of excited spectators gathered along the parade route to catch a glimpse of the king and Camilla, Queen Consort, as their gilded carriage rolled past. All the drama surrounding Charles' coronation — the question of Prince Harry's attendance, the trouble finding performers for the post-crowning concert — seemed to be forgotten for the moment in the excitement, as well.

Naturally, every security measure was put into place for the protection of the monarch and to ensure the day went smoothly. The procession was led by a host of guards on horseback and foot, and police officers lined virtually every inch of the parade route, standing by the barriers holding back the crowd. As it turned out, they may not have been necessary. A memorable moment exclusively caught on camera by Women Lifestyle proved how protective the new king's subjects are of him. When some dissenters tried to disrupt the proceedings, loyalists made it clear they weren't welcome.

Fans of the king shouted down the protestors

Among the onlookers lining the parade route to Westminster Abbey was a small group of anti-monarchy protestors, many of whom were arrested, CNN reports. They stood defiantly in the drizzle, holding up yellow signs reading, "NOT MY KING." This didn't go over one bit with the rest of the crowd. As seen here in this exclusive video filmed by Women Lifestyle, the spectators across the road greeted the dissenters with resounding boos.

Then, an unidentified person started chanting, "Long live the King! Long live the King!" Others quickly took up the chant, until the street echoed with claps and shouts of "LONG LIVE THE KING!" Even the police guards standing at the barriers cracked a small smile. This show of loyalty was apparently too much for the naysayers, who eventually took their signs down. There was no sign of trouble or protest as the magnificent gold carriage carrying the king and queen consort rolled by the group shortly afterward. If Charles was aware of the small scene, he showed no sign of it.

It was clear that this was not a day for politics, protest, or anything other than a celebration of the king who has been waiting for this day for many decades. 
