Princess Anne Affirms King Charles Is Well-Prepared For The Throne

After what feels like quite a long wait, we're mere days away from King Charles III's coronation. Among all the royals who will be attending the coronation is Charles' sister, Princess Anne, who has landed a big role in the ceremony. Anne will be taking on a historic and highly revered title during the coronation, the Gold-Stick-in-Waiting. Having this position means that Anne will follow Charles and Queen Camilla to Buckingham Palace on a horse after Saturday's ceremony. 

It's no surprise that Charles and Camilla want Anne to have an important role at the coronation since she's such a vital member of the royal family. Per The Guardian, Anne has earned the "hardest-working royal" title by many. She maintains that reputation by attending more yearly royal engagements than any of the other working royals, Charles included. Last year, Anne was present for a whopping 214 engagements, which was over thirty more than the king.

Since Anne clearly takes her duty as an important part of the royal family very seriously, it's natural for folks to wonder exactly how she feels about her brother taking on the crown. In anticipation of the big day, Anne has spoken out regarding her true feelings about the future of the monarchy that's so dear to her heart and how she feels about its place in Charles' hands.

Princess Anne has full faith in Charles' commitment

With less than a week left before the coronation, Princess Anne shared her feelings about King Charles III's reign with CBC News. "Well, you know what you're getting, because he's been practi[c]ing for a bit, and I don't think he'll change," Anne explained. "You know, he is committed to his own level of service, and that will remain true." Anne noted that "the monarchy is about continuity," and keeping this in mind is an important part of grappling with Charles filling their late mother, Queen Elizabeth II's, big shoes. "My mother was the Queen for a very long time. And although you kind of know that this might happen, you don't really think about it very much . . ." Anne added.

Maintaining that "continuity" that Anne views as vital to the monarchy's success means that the royal family must refocus their allegiance to the next in line. "For the rest of us, it's more a question of, OK, we have to shift the way we support," she insisted. As for how she feels about her own role in the coronation as the esteemed Gold-Stick-in-Waiting, Anne didn't hesitate to take on the title. "So I said yes, not least of all it solves my dress problem," she joked. It's clear that Anne would take on any role the new king and queen might ask of her, and considering how respected she is among the family, they just may take her up on that. 
