Best Ways To Start A Conversation With The Hinge Prompt 'You Should Leave A Comment If'

Hinge is marketed as "the dating app meant to be deleted," and it's this catchy slogan that makes so many people flock to the dating app. Hinge works hard to match you with your one true love by providing you with built-in tools to make online dating less of a hassle. And once you've found that special someone, it's time to toss the app and go live your dream life with your new partner.

As easy as it sounds, finding a perfect match still feels like a high-stakes game of "Where's Waldo," where you swipe left and right to find the right person. On your search, you'll probably come across the following offenders: the person who talks way too much about money, another who's asking for feet pics right off the bat, and yet another who is apparently only capable of replying with one-word responses. Yep, online dating can be a tough area to navigate, even on Hinge.

If you're dying to cut down on how much time you spend swiping, it's time to take notice of those all-too-important prompts Hinge provides. With a total of three prompts to choose from, this is your opportunity to not only build a dating profile that really stands out but also have a more tailored experience on the app. If you're ready to start a conversation, try answering the "you should leave a comment if" prompt. We promise it will lead to some memorable conversations.

'You should leave a comment' if gives admirers something to talk about

Have you ever been in a position in online dating where you think someone looks amazing, but their dating bio has absolutely nothing there for you to start a conversation about? They might have only included the word "hi" followed by a smiley face or, worse yet, have absolutely nothing there. You might be feeling a little brave and try to strike up a conversation anyway, only to quickly discover there's not much that the two of you have in common.

For the love of all that is good, don't be like those blank profiles. Instead, use the prompt "you should leave a comment if" to let people know a little more about yourself. According to Logan Ury, Hinge's director of relationship science, this prompt is where you let your eccentricity shine. "I think 'We'll get along if...' or 'You should leave a comment if' is an opportunity to share something more quirky about you," Ury told Cosmopolitan. Now your admirers will have something interesting to start a conversation with you about. It's a win-win situation all around.

Share what you're passionate about

One of the biggest dating mistakes you can make in the world of online dating is "playing it safe" with your profile. If you include sentences like "I enjoy long walks on the beach" and "Starbucks is life" on your profile, and that's all you have to say about yourself, that's a red flag. People might assume you're following a playbook of what you're supposed to have in your profile instead of sharing what makes you, well you. That's why answering the "you should leave a comment if" prompt is so useful. It helps you dig deep and really think about what makes you unique.

To get the creative juices flowing, ask yourself: what are you passionate about? Maybe you have all the lines from "Back to the Future" memorized, or you can't go a weekend without taking your precious pup to the beach, or you spend three nights a week learning new recipes. If you drop a hint about the kind of things you're interested in, you're going to attract the attention of someone who likes them, too. A study out of the MIT Media Laboratory suggests that people are more likely to be attracted romantically to others who share similar passions.

Get the conversation going, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there!
