The Hinge Prompt That Will Be Best If You Get Super Niche

Being on a dating app can sometimes feel like a minefield. If you're not endlessly scrolling through your camera roll to find your best pics and thinking of a funny/relatable/cool bio, you're probably trying to figure out which app to actually download (because let's be real, there's a lot out there). 

One of the most popular dating apps is Hinge, which is also definitely one of the most well-known apps designed to get you off the market. With over 20 million users recorded in 2022, it's now harder than ever to stand out to prospective matches and make the Hinge algorithm favor you. Alongside trying out the Hinge voice notes feature, one of the best ways to fill out your profile thoroughly is to answer the prompts Hinge provides.

Some of these prompts require more generalized answers than others, but there's one specific prompt that it would be in your interest to get specific for, and that's "My simple pleasures." Here's how to answer this understated prompt so you get better matches than ever.

Don't be afraid to show your personality

The "My simple pleasures" prompt is pretty self-explanatory. Essentially a space for you to talk about what makes you happy, the prompt additionally allows you a bit more creative license than other Hinge prompts such as "I'm a Regular at... or "Typical Sunday." 

Though you may be tempted to keep things general so you attract more people, evidence shows that this isn't actually the case. As Hinge's Director of Relationship Science Logan Ury told Cosmopolitan, "Sometimes we think if we're more broad, we'll attract more people, but it's actually in being specific that I think more people relate."

Basically, if you're dying to talk about how your favorite thing to do is snuggle up with your cats and watch early 2000s rom-coms, don't shy away from saying so. Making your answer appeal to more people may pay off in the short term with getting dates, but in the long run, it's better to be specific and attract people on your wavelength.

Get specific with what you say

Now you know that it's best to get specific, you can start working on your answer to the "My simple pleasures" prompt? Remember to keep it light and positive — you're talking about things that make you happy, after all.

A good place to start is your go-to movie or the television show you can watch over and over again, for example, "My simple pleasures ... watching "Gilmore Girls" every fall and wearing cozy sweaters on crisp days." These two things let others know your personality type and comfort show, both solid conversation starters. Another good tip is to mention your favorite food/drink. Food and drink are a generally broad topic, but answering with something like "My simple pleasures ... a perfectly chilled iced coffee and cuddling with my dog," is niche enough to show your personality while still being varied enough to appeal to several people. Plus, it gives potential matches the chance to ask questions about what your dog is called or your favorite type of coffee.

Don't overthink it. Consider what you genuinely enjoy and you'll put the right kind of energy out there.
