There's A Reason You Won't See Hallmark Content On DeuxMoi

If you're a fan of celebrity gossip, chances are you've already heard of Deuxmoi. The infamous anonymous Instagram Instagram account was started sometime before the pandemic and went viral. As of March 2023, the account has 1.8 million followers and is dedicated to intriguing celebrity gossip. You'll find plenty of memes and the occasional anonymously submitted piece of cryptic rumor. It's easy to see why people got hooked.

The owner of Deuxmoi remains anonymous, but in 2021, she spoke to Today on the phone about the account's origins. "It became what it is today purely by accident," the anonymous woman said. "Literally crowdsourcing out of boredom. Not really even knowing if any of the audience had any experience with celebrities, but I learned quickly that many people have had experiences with celebrities and want to share them."

Deuxmoi doesn't usually distinguish between "types" of celebrities — on her account, everyone seems to be fair game. That is, aside from one small group of people. You may have noticed that Deuxmoi steers clear of Hallmark-related gossip. Now, we finally know why.

Deuxmoi used to post about Hallmark gossip

There was a time when Deuxmoi's gossip account featured the occasional juicy tidbit about the Hallmark crew. The last piece of Hallmark gossip came back in May 2022, when Deuxmoi posted a tip about a Hallmark star. "My friend hooked up [with] a z list hallmark actor on the weekend that is recently single," read the tip. "He could not stop talking about himself. There's also some drama with hallmark on why they won't hire him anymore." The gossip was sent in by the suggestively named ""

Even though the so-called "z list actor" in the tip was unnamed, one Hallmark actor, Jesse Metcalfe of "Desperate Housewives" and "John Tucker Must Die" fame, took offense, commenting, "This is BULLSH***."

At the time, as Gawker noted, Metcalfe was allegedly dating model Corin Jamie-Lee. He was also gearing up to appear in more Hallmark movies.

After Metcalfe's public comment about the gossip, Deuxmoi changed her stance on Hallmark-related gossip.

Deuxmoi stopped posting about Hallmark and issued a public apology

Just one week after posting the gossip that seems to have been referring to Hallmark star Jesse Metcalfe, Deuxmoi issued a public apology. First, the anonymous gossip blogger explained that she has never claimed her gossip to be true. "Because some emails are submitted using fake email addresses there is no way to verify all the claims submitted," she wrote. She went on to address Metcalfe's comment. "I would like to publicly apologize to Jesse Metcalfe for posting that 'bulls***' email last week," read the statement, "I didn't know he was a working actor nor did I know he was in Hallmark movies as I do not watch that channel so I definitely thought the email was about someone no one knew."

Since then, Deuxmoi has avoided Hallmark on her account. In fact, as the blogger explained in a Q&A, the incident seems to have turned her off Hallmark stars for good. A fan of the account said, "Watching Hallmark, and realized — nothing on Deuxmoi about all of these good-looking men." Deuxmoi replied, "The last time I posted something about Hallmark, Jesse Metcalfe got pissed, and no one even mentioned his name, so now I'm triggered by Hallmark."
