The Rocky Relationship History Of Stormy Daniels Explained

Stormy Daniels lives up to her name when it comes to her personal relationships. While she's most recently been in the news for one of her more famous associations — an alleged affair with Donald Trump — her past history of husbands and boyfriends has been a rocky road of relationships.

Describing herself as an "Award-winning director, writer & adult film star. Paranormal investigator/medium. TV host." on her Twitter account, Daniels is known for her curvy figure, blonde hair, and her quick come-backs while in the line of fire from critics. Her private life, though, is less glamourous, and the star has been unlucky in love with three ex-husbands (and one current one), not-so-great boyfriends, and Trump.

The Louisiana native started her adult entertainment career at the age of 17, and married her first husband at the age of 24. Twenty years later, she's weathered numerous stormy relationships and finally found a little calm in the sea of love.

Stormy Daniels' first two marriages

Stormy Daniels' first wedding was to a fellow adult film star who most often went by the name Pat Myne. While the two didn't have a lot of drama, their marriage didn't last long, only existing from 2003-2005. Myne did give Daniels his real last name, Clifford, and between all her other marriages, she returned to this as her legal name.

In 2007, Daniels married Michael Mosny, aka Mike Moz, another adult film actor. Their marriage ended in 2009, but not before Stormy was arrested on domestic violence charges, with Mosny alleging Daniels hit him multiple times. Even after they broke up, things were still tumultuous between the two, with Daniels filing a restraining order against her ex, saying he attempted to steal her car.

You may also have heard Mosny's name come up in relation to the Donald Trump affair. According to The Washington Post, Daniel's ex-husband was only one of four people listed on the famous non-disclosure agreement as knowing about the encounter.

Stormy's third husband, and the father of her child

Stormy Daniels was with Glendon Crain for several years before they finally tied the knot in 2015. The two had a child together in 2011, a daughter named Caden.

Seeming to have a type, Daniels' was once again drawn to a fellow adult film star, with Crain often appearing under the name Brendon Miller. The two officially divorced in 2018, but rumor has it they were estranged before the separation. Crain was arrested in 2015 for domestic violence against Daniels, with the charges being dropped after he did a rehabilitation program.

Crain was the one who eventually filed for divorce, citing adultery on the part of Daniels. It was also reported that he filed a restraining order against Daniels, so she wouldn't be able to take their daughter on the "Make American Horny Again" tour Daniels was planning. Daniels and her lawyer vehemently denied the adultery allegations. The two eventually settled on joint custody.

The Donald Trump affair

In between her marriage to Pat Myne and Michael Mosny, Stormy Daniels met Donald Trump in 2006 during a celebrity golf tournament. Daniels was already a popular adult film star at the time, and Trump, who was married to Melania Trump, was enjoying his fame from helming "Celebrity Apprentice." He invited her to his room for dinner, and the two wound up having sex for the first and only time.

They stayed in touch for a while, but eventually stopped communicating. In 2011, Daniels was offered money to tell her story to a magazine, but the article was killed when Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen threatened to sue. Daniels also shared with "60 Minutes" that she and her daughter were threatened by an anonymous man to "Leave Trump alone."

When Trump ran for president in 2016, Cohen paid Daniels to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) about her time with Trump. In 2018, the Wall Street Journal broke the story about the payment and the NDA. Trump denied knowing anything about it, and about having a relationship with Daniels. Daniels sued him for defamation that same year and lost. She also wrote a tell-all book, "Full Disclosure."

The bad boyfriend

In 2020, Stormy Daniels embarked on a new adventure. Considering herself a medium, and the owner of a haunted house in New Orleans, Daniels created a YouTube show about the paranormal called "Spooky Babes." She also made a connection with well-known Mississippi ghost-hunter John Bullard. The two worked together on the show, and he co-hosted several episodes of her podcast "Taking the World by Stormy."

Behind the scenes, the two became an item, something they kept private since Bullard was married. When things started going sour with the relationship, Daniels began posting cryptic notes on Instagram, finally revealing the whole story in a post in June 2021.

After professing her love, she challenged him, "So if you love me like you swear you do, prove it." She also noted that she had, "thousands of texts, messages, photos and voice texts" documenting their time together, leading fans to believe Bullard denied their relationship. Over the next few days, she posted several of those items, including a photo of them locked in a kiss with the caption, "Call me a liar again." Eventually, the references disappeared, and so, too, did Bullard.

Stormy is currently married to Barrett Blade

Not one to give up on love, Stormy Daniels entered into her fourth marriage in 2022. She met Barrett Blade in 1998, and the two worked together on several adult films (he's also a porn star), but never went beyond friendship for the first 25 years of their relationship.

Since tying the knot, Daniels has gushed over her latest husband in several Instagram posts. "Through all these years and all these adventures, I've been lucky enough to call you one of my best friends. Now I'm lucky enough to just call you mine." She also gave him a big shout-out on Valentine's Day, writing, "Thank you for dancing with me in the moonlight, kissing me in the rain, and building this incredible life with me so full of adventure and love. I adore you."

The duo also rekindled their working relationship with the X-rated film "Lawless," with Daniels making her directorial debut, and both Daniels and Blade in front of the camera. Blade is also a director and cinematographer in the adult entertainment business.
