Here's How You Can Prevent Chin Hairs

It has happened to virtually all of us. While looking at our face in the sunlight, whether in a mirror or a phone camera, we notice an unruly hair or two on our chin sticking out. Or sometimes we just feel a wiry protrusion with our fingertips. While it's never a fun thing to find, it is part of life.

At some point, everyone has to confront chin hair. After all, the only places we don't grow hair are the palm of our hands, the soles of our feet, and our lips. All other places are absolutely normal and expected. Of course, hair growth is genetic and differs among people.

However, if you notice hair on your chin is more prominent than it has ever been, or it's increasing, there are certain reasons why you might be noticing more. And finding out why it is occurring is the first step in preventing it from continuing.

Chin hair is tied to hormones

Hair on the chin increases during hormonal fluctuations and an increase in androgens, as per Healthline. While androgens are typically known as male hormones, both females and males have androgens. Men have more of this hormone and that's the reason they typically have more hair.

During times of big hormone changes like pregnancy and menopause, facial hair is more likely to increase. Yet it can also be a result of simply aging or gaining weight, or a medical issue, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or Cushing's Syndrome.

Since there is a significant medical tie between increased body hair and hormonal imbalance, if you notice more chin hair than ever before, it's a good idea to see your doctor to determine the cause. If you have hormonal issues, getting your hormones balanced and your body working optimally will help curb or even stop the excessive facial hair.

It could also be your medicine

If you are on prescription medications, let your doctor know what you have been taking. Medications that alter hormones can also increase chin hair. Certain powerful medications for serious conditions can cause unwanted hair, but it may also be a result of powders and shakes from health food stores or gyms.

"Some chemotherapy drugs for cancer, and some medicines for epilepsy," Elizabeth May, a registered nurse who works at a skin laser clinic tells Cosmopolitan. "Plus, anabolic steroids used illegally in sport and sold in some gyms may increase facial hair if used by women."

A good rule of thumb is that whenever you experience a change in your body that concerns you, you should see your doctor. A medical professional can run tests and identify if there are any underlying medical issues. However, it may be nothing at all and a visit will put your mind at ease. It's also best to check with your doctor before taking any supplements.
