How Is Melania Trump Spending Her Post-White House Time?

Being the first lady of the United States is a unique experience. It's one of the few jobs a woman doesn't apply for — if your husband is elected president, you're in —  and it comes with responsibilities that may be new to the holder. For four years, Melania Trump took on the role as best she could, considering her lack of political experience. She was more successful in some areas than others. Her years mingling with A-listers made her a natural at hosting state dinners, and her official platform, BE BEST, struck a chord with fans who approved of her passion for children's well-being. Still, the first lady had her slip-ups, such as her rather un-festive White House Christmas decorations, or the time Melania wore her controversial "I Really Don't Care, Do U?" jacket on a trip to visit Mexican migrant children. She was also a less vocal presence than her predecessors; according to CNN, Melania gave only a handful of TV interviews during President Trump's administration, and never spoke to magazines or newspapers.

While the former president was, shall we say, less than pleased with the certified results of the 2020 election, Melania seemed relieved to be a private citizen again. Immediately following President Biden's inauguration, the Trumps moved back to their primary residence at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where their son, Barron, attends an exclusive high school. What is Melania Trump's life like now? Pretty much what you'd expect — and she likes it that way.

Melania Trump prefers to keep to herself

Away from the fishbowl life of the White House, Melania Trump is reportedly enjoying the seclusion of her sheltered country club home. A source recently told People that the former first lady prefers to keep a very intimate inner circle. She has no close girlfriends, socializes mainly with her parents and other family members, and keeps a "very protective" watch over 17-year-old Barron. This insular world, says the source, allows Melania to enjoy a "fairy tale" existence even as husband Donald Trump's potential arrest on hush money charges looms. "Melania is leading her own life, and still feels happy being at Mar-a-Lago, surrounded by people who love her and who never talk about reality, or bad things about her husband," another source told the outlet.

The former first lady is a sporadic presence on social media. Unlike the former president, she was never banned from Twitter, but she tweets only on national holidays or on occasions such as the start of Women's History Month. Melania also promotes collectibles she sells to benefit her BE BEST Foundation, such as NFT portraits and metal Christmas ornaments engraved with her signature. 

And while Donald Trump has joined the race for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, sources have told CNN that Melania "absolutely does not" have the desire to attend rallies or make speeches. Surprisingly, though, the insiders claim that her private nature comes off as an air of steadfast support for her husband. Time will tell whether Melania's reticence will work in Trump's favor.
