How To Stop Feeling Guilty And Take The Self-Care Time You Need

Conversations surrounding the concept of self-care have become prominent and for good reasons. It's no secret that self-care days are great for brain health, helping to reduce stress, which can take a toll on your health. The impacts of stress can be felt mentally and physically, leading to headaches and other ailments, as well as an overwhelming feeling of burnout.

Making self-care a priority is key, but it can be difficult. For many, finding the time to put yourself first feels nearly impossible. Whether it's finding a balance between work and your personal life, or feeling like you have to put others before yourself, there seems to be a laundry list of reasons why you have to show up for others before yourself.

If you find yourself in this category, it's time to stop feeling guilty for prioritizing yourself. This may seem like an impossible task, but there are some tips you can follow to help ease the guilt of taking self-care days.

Change your mindset towards self-care

One reason why self-care can feel like an impossible task to tackle is that society has placed overworking and feeling busy above all else. The idea of "hustle culture" can take a negative toll on your mental health, so putting yourself first for self-care is mandatory.

"In the United States, people treat being busy like a badge of honor. Being busy is often associated with being successful and hard-working. There is an underlying and subtle resentment in society for successful people who don't work hard for their success. Thus, many people feel guilty taking time off to enjoy life or take care of themselves for fear of what others may think or say about them," psychologist Dr. Sarah Schewitz told The Every Girl.

How can you beat that feeling? When guilt sinks in about taking time to care for yourself, try to tell that inner voice that in order to continue to succeed in work or your personal life, you must be fully charged. Taking time to do something for yourself will allow you to recharge and approach your next task with the best you can give.

Remember that self-care allows you to be your best self

Although it may be hard to kick that feeling that you need to remain constantly busy to be productive, rethinking the purpose of self-care can help. A major reason why many feel guilty for taking time for themselves is that they often have a long list of people who depend on them. You can't be the best partner, parent, friend, or employee if you are feeling the impact of stress on your mental health.

Instead of feeling guilty, remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup. "Giving more than you can spare ultimately leaves you resentful and spent," psychologist Ashley Eder shared with Psych Central. "One of the most loving things you can do for people in your life — your kids, partner, friends, colleagues — is not put them in a place of future resentment."

By taking time to care for yourself, you are bettering how you approach the relationships in your life. By helping yourself, you are not being selfish, but rather taking time to improve what you bring to the people in your life.
