Why A Dating Profile Seeking Someone With 'Good Vibes Only' Could Be A Red Flag

If you're dating in the year 2023, odds are that you're on a dating app. Forbes reported that there are an estimated 8,000 dating apps active worldwide, all hoping that you will sign up and start swiping with the hopes of finding love. Choosing the right dating app for you is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you begin swiping, you might quickly realize that there are plenty of red flags to watch out for on people's dating profiles.

One survey found that 26% of online daters are not looking for a commitment — we can only assume this means they are more interested in a casual hookup or a "friends with benefits" situation. While there is absolutely no shame in wanting something casual, not everyone is upfront about their desires. But if you look closely at their bios, you can usually figure out which potential partners might not be taking this too seriously. If you're looking for someone ready to commit, beware of the one phrase that might indicate that they aren't actually worth your time: "Good vibes only."

What they really mean when they say they're only looking for good vibes

If you come across a dating profile with the phrase, "Good vibes only" in their bio, it's probably best to swipe left. While it might seem like a harmless saying, there is an underlying message that daters with this nonchalant bio communicate to potential matches. Looking for good vibes is almost always synonymous with wanting absolutely "no drama" or big emotions. These types of daters often want their partner to have an easygoing attitude and will become turned off at the slightest sign of stress, anger, or frustration, no matter how valid. People searching for a partner with "good vibes only" tend to run away from commitment, labeling any other emotion as too much to handle.

We all want to strive for good vibes, but that's not the only emotion that exists — partners that are hyper-sensitive to negative emotions will usually use your reactions as a way to be manipulative. Your significant other may have insulted you or been unfaithful, but to the "good vibes only" person, you are the bad guy for crying about it.

Don't let someone who is looking for good vibes convince you that you aren't fun to be around just because you experience a range of emotions. Instead, find a partner that can handle them all and sees you for the well-rounded human that you are.

These dating app bios are full of red flags

While dating profiles are a great chance to present your best self to potential matches, some people miss the mark. Phrases like, "It's too much to write, just ask" or "if we match, I won't message you first" are good indicators that this person does not want to put much effort into their dating profile, so they definitely won't invest their time well in a relationship. It is also not uncommon to see people use their bios as a chance to repel the types of people they dislike, and complain about different "types" of people they don't want to date. That is definitely a red flag unless you want to spend an entire evening listening to your date lament about his exes.

TikTok creator Amelia Samson has become famous for her analysis of men's dating profiles. In a recent video, she shares that dating apps aren't as bad as everyone says they are . . . they're worse. Most of her content comes from profiles found on Hinge, a dating app that lets you choose different prompts and answer questions that are displayed on your profile so swipers can get to know a little bit about you. Unfortunately, many don't understand the assignment, and her infamous phrase, "choose a different prompt!" is used quite often. Any profile with the phrase, "don't swipe if you're an independent woman," is a sign to run for the hills.
