Beware Of People Who Only Have One Photo On Their Dating Profile

If you're looking for love, dating apps are a great place to start. What was once considered totally taboo is now one of the most popular ways to meet a potential love interest. In fact, three in 10 Americans have used at least one dating app, showing just how vital technology is to the process of finding love. 

You can tell a lot about someone based on their dating profile. From their job to their proximity to your current location, a person's bio can easily give you a quick snapshot of their personality. However, photos are one of the most important aspects of a good dating profile. On most apps, your photos are the first thing that potential matches see and interact with. While no one wants to admit to being shallow, appearance does play a part in whether or not swipers decide to match with someone.

When you're wading through the sea of potential matches, make sure to have a set of standards that you follow based on your dating preference and compatibility levels. You don't want to swipe right on just anyone, after all. When deciding on your dating profile rulebook, consider avoiding profiles with only one photo — no matter how cute that photo may be. It may seem innocent, but experts have found that singular-photo dating profiles contain massive red flags.

Dating profiles with only one photo could be a sign that they don't care all that much

Mashable writer Nicole Gallucci asked the question on Twitter that everyone wants to know: What are the red flags on a dating profile that will discourage you from matching with someone? Twitter users did not hold back, and many concluded that only having one photo is an instant swipe left.

When a person only has one photo on their dating profile, it sets off a few alarms to potential matches. If your match couldn't bother to upload more than one pic of themself, it's a big indicator of how much effort they will or won't put into a relationship. Only uploading one photo could also be a sign that the person is hiding something about their appearance. Matching with someone online is very different than meeting someone in person, so having a good idea of what they look like is important when deciding to chat and potentially meet up.

The ideal profile contains at least four photos: a clear photo of the person's face, a full body photo, and two photos that inform potential matches about their lifestyle. For example, a photo of them with their pet, on a hike, or enjoying their favorite meal. This is an opportunity to see multiple aspects of someone's personality and everyday life. If they leave out these details, odds are you won't know much about them when deciding on whether or not you're a good match.

More dating profile pic red flags you don't want to miss

Spotting red flags while you're online dating is easier than you think — just pay close attention to their photos.

Dating expert Saskia Nelson told eHarmony that the photos on someone's dating profile tell a whole lot more about them than just their appearance. She recommends avoiding blurry, poorly taken photos, saying, "Low quality photos attract low quality dates." Mirror selfies, overly edited photos, and big group shots where you aren't sure which person you're matching are all huge red flags, as well.

In addition, we know that everyone has a past. However, if a dating profile is full of pictures with someone else, that can be a big turn-off. One Twitter user noted that "anyone with a blatant picture of their ex, but they've scribbled out her face or covered it with an emoji" is an immediate no-go. We appreciate the effort to try and eliminate the previous partner from the picture, but choosing a photo they aren't in is always a better option. Other users shared their deal breakers, such as too many shirtless photos, pictures of men hunting/fishing, and photos without the person in it at all.
