Maybe I Do Co-Stars Emma Roberts And Luke Bracey Talk Modern Love And Marriage - Exclusive Interview

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, it's that time of year again — the ultimate season for rom-com premieres. Whether you're single or happily married, there's bound to be a lighthearted, feel-good romantic film that will get some laughs and tears out of you. If you're interested in a rom-com that's different from the typical young adult love story, there's one movie that features a star-studded cast and a glimpse at the issues that surround older couples in established marriages — "Maybe I Do."

While Emma Roberts and Luke Bracey play the quintessential young adult couple, Michelle and Allen, who navigate the transition from a relationship to the prospect of marriage, the film centers around the couple's parents, played by Richard Gere, Diane Keaton, Susan Sarandon, and William H. Macy. The parents have to navigate the challenges that come with marriages over time while being there to support their children.

Women Lifestyle exclusively interviewed Roberts and Bracey on how the movie addresses problems couples commonly face in modern relationships and the significance of marriage in today's society.

Maybe I Do presents multiple perspectives on marriage and love

This movie shows the two sides of a debate we often see in modern love, as to whether marriage is the "end all, be all." We saw your characters' beliefs on whether marriage should be the end goal of a relationship. What are your personal takes?

Emma Roberts: I don't think there's a definitive answer. I feel like it's different for everybody. That's what I loved about this movie — it explores that through all the different characters. There's no right answer. For some people, that's important, and for other people, it's not as important. It's about getting on the same page as the person you're with, and whatever that means is what that means.

Luke Bracey: I'll echo what Emma said. That's what's great about this film — no matter what you say, no matter what decision you make, there's someone else who has had a different experience of it. This film's really amazing that way — we're seeing love from so many different angles, and we don't normally get that in films. We normally get one example of it and one or two people's experience of that example. 

But now, to have all these different examples of love and being with someone for many years, and what that means, and what that becomes — that's the great thing about this film. You get to make your own mind up. There's six different people that have six different ideas of what it is. Then throw into that the rest of the world, so you're going to have a few more ideas.

For people who may not be into rom-coms, why should they go and watch "Maybe I Do"?

Bracey: Who isn't into rom-coms?

Roberts: I know. I was going to say, I don't know anyone who's not into romcoms.

The rom-com is full of unexpected twists and turns

What sets it apart when compared to other rom-coms?

Roberts: What I love about this is, as Luke said, you're seeing love through all different sides. It's not a story just focused on one perspective. I think it's so fun, the juxtaposition between our relationship and our parents' relationship, because you would think that we'd be having this young, fun relationship, but we're at a point of marriage and commitment. And our parents are the ones that are having midlife crises and having affairs and this and that and are going wild. That makes it a really fun watch because, from the jump, it's unexpected, the way everyone's behaving.

Bracey: Emma said it well. There's a bit for everyone in this film. Maybe [some people don't] like rom-coms because [they think] they're geared to a certain person. But the great thing about this film is that anyone can relate to everyone in this film and certainly relate to the moments of love and comedy.

Roberts: Also, if you've ever been embarrassed by your parents, this movie's for you.

[Emma,] I saw that you're also going to be starring in Hulu's "Second Wife." What are some of the similarities and differences between your two roles?

Roberts: Oh, [those are] not even comparable, mostly because "Second Wife" is still in the early stages of development. But I play Tom Ellis's second wife. He played Lucifer and he's amazing. And it [has] the showrunner of "Tell Me Lies," which is a show that I executive produced on Hulu. It's the first thing that I'm starring in that I'm also producing, so I'm really excited to get to embark on that. It's going to be a really, really funny, fun show. I can't wait.

"Maybe I Do" debuts in theaters tomorrow, January 27.

This interview has been edited for clarity.
