What Are The Healthiest Fats To Eat When Following A Keto Diet?

Healthy eating comes in various shapes and sizes, and it is a perennial point of interest for many. Eating healthier and losing weight were the second and third top New Year's resolutions, Statista reports, only outranked by exercising more. Yet, diets and diet culture don't have the best reputation. Many people associate diets with eating bland foods or only consuming vegetables. 

However, the ketogenic diet is different. With it, you can still indulge while eating right and shedding weight.

The keto diet centers on foods low in carbohydrates and high in fat. It may seem counterintuitive, but an analysis published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health revealed that the keto diet had significant health benefits, including treating cardiovascular risk factors and hyperlipidemia while promoting weight loss. But, the key to keto is consuming the right fats.

Nutty for nut butter

Nut butter is an excellent source of healthy fat. According to WebMD, the fats in tree nuts and nut spreads, like walnut butter, are unsaturated. Trans fats and saturated fats are the kinds you want to avoid (and they are most often found in processed foods). 

Nut butter helps you feel satiated and energized, as it is typically high in protein and fiber. Your apple slices with almond butter or cashew butter ants on a log will also be full of great nutrients, with vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin B6, and potassium adding to the appeal of these keto-friendly foods.

The need for flaxseed

Healthy fats will give you energy, while unhealthy fats can leave you feeling sluggish. Flaxseeds thankfully provide the former. They are packed with protein, omega-3s, and fiber, the triple threat for a proper diet (via Healthline). 

Fiber keeps your intestinal tract moving, although that's a good sign of enhanced digestion. Despite being tiny, flaxseeds are full of thiamine, which is needed for generating energy and cellular function. 

Sprinkle some on your yogurts, or use flaxseed flour in your favorite dessert to unlock this superfood.

Can't say no to avocado

Avocado is an all-around favorite. Its subtle flavor makes it easy to integrate into recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

This beautiful green fruit is also high in monounsaturated fatty acids, per Medical News Today. This good-for-you fat keeps you fuller for longer, helps your body soak up fat-soluble antioxidants, and betters digestion. A lesser-known benefit of avocados is their dose of vitamin K, a nutrient linked to bone health. 

For keto-friendly fat, smother guacamole on no-carb bread, or simply slice it and add it as a side to any meal.

Have your chocolate and eat it too with cacao nibs

Who says chocolate doesn't belong in a diet? Cacao nibs are the cheat code for natural chocolate without sugar or sugar substitutes. 

According to LiveStrong, the crushed cacao bean provides good fats along with several other nutritional benefits. It is a treat filled with antioxidants, fiber, and iron. Its properties increase energy production, and research also finds cacao nibs don't just aid in physical health. Consuming these bite-size beans can boost mental wellness and help you de-stress. 

They are perfect for adding chocolate flavor to keto diet staples like yogurts and smoothies, and they are a great sweet treat in a diet that is very low in sugar.

The tried-and-true olive and olive oil

Chances are you've had olive oil, even if you haven't intentionally integrated it into your food program. Extra-virgin olive oil is a healthy alternative to nutrient-depleted oils, such as canola. 

GoodRx Health reminds us that olive and its oil features a fat rich in fiber and vitamins, and it is one of the easiest fats to incorporate into almost any dish. Drizzling it on salads or adding this fruit to your favorite charcuterie board are keto-friendly ways to introduce it into your diet. Like avocado, it is a monounsaturated fat that makes a heart happy, delivering anti-inflammatory effects while boosting immunity.

Fall in love with hemp hearts

Hemp and cannabis are tightly associated, but rest assured, hemp hearts aren't a psychoactive drug. Hemp seeds or hearts are almost ⅓ fat, featuring a huge helping of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, WebMD explains. You can treat them like flaxseeds and use the hearts as a crunchy topping or a nutrient boost for baked goods. 

Like many of our healthy fats, they are also a great source of protein and fiber. These seeds are filled with great micronutrients like magnesium and zinc as well. 

The only downside to this healthy fat is its high calorie count. However, with the lack of carbs in the keto diet, the calorie intake of hemp hearts should balance out.

Cuckoo for coconut oil

Not only is coconut oil great for your hair, skin, and nails, but for your keto diet too. Although it is a saturated fat, Dr. Axe clarifies that coconut oil is a natural fat, which makes a major health difference. 

However, not any coconut oil will do. It's important to look for unrefined coconut oil to ensure the most wholesome consumption. Add a spoonful to your tea or use it to toast hemp seeds, because this easy-to-digest, no-carb oil increases energy and metabolism. Studies show it even fights bacteria and viruses, which is the perfect combat skill to achieve a healthy gut.

Flavorful fatty fish

As a double for protein and fat, here comes oily fish. Also referred to as fatty fish, the American Heart Association lists anchovies, salmon, sardines, and striped bass as a few heart-healthy options. Fish, unlike many other animal products, doesn't contain a lot of saturated fat, but they do contain omega-3 fatty acids, hence the popularity of fish oil supplements

To maximize the keto benefits, cook your favorite fatty fish in coconut or olive oil, top it with hemp or flaxseed, and add a side of avocado.

Season with chia seeds for healthy fat

Chia seeds, probably better known for Chia Pets from classic late-night infomercials than their nutritional value, are a pantry must-have. These seeds are a part of the healthy fat crew because they are high in omega-3s and fiber, according to Mayo Clinic. They rival the fat levels of flaxseed with the added benefit of lowering cholesterol. This fat can improve intestinal and heart health while slowing digestion to help you feel satiated. 

So, fill up on chia seed water or create desserts packed with chia seeds, like keto chocolate pudding and parfait.

The Greek god of yogurt

All fatty seeds pair well with yogurt, and the best yogurt for your keto diet is Greek. Registered dietitian Katherine Brooking tells Eat This, Not That the protein in Greek yogurt helps to calm hunger pangs and reduce appetite, making it perfect for dieting. Best of all, this healthy fat is packed with good bacteria, vitamins, and minerals. 

Unfortunately, there are many Greek yogurt brands tainted with sweeteners, preservatives, or additives, but a quick check of the ingredients label will help you know which ones to avoid. 
