Barbara Walters' Resurfaced Interview With Donald Trump Has Everyone Saying The Same Thing

Although Barbara Walters died on December 30 at age 93, the renowned journalist and television icon leaves behind an enduring legacy. As Bob Iger, CEO of The Walt Disney Company, posted on Twitter following news of Walters' death, "Barbara was a true legend, a pioneer not just for women in journalism but for journalism itself. She was a one-of-a-kind reporter who landed many of the most important interviews of our time..." From controversial world leaders, like Fidel Castro, to pop culture icons, like Elizabeth Taylor, Walters constantly delivered on her no-nonsense approach to journalism, and for that she will be missed.

As NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar tweeted upon her passing, "Barbara Walters never flinched when questioning the world's most powerful people. She held them accountable. She cared about the truth and she made us care too. Fortunately, she inspired many other journalists to be just as unrelenting. We are all better off because of her." Her "20/20" successor and ABC News colleague David Muir echoed that sentiment, tweeting, "So often we toss around the words icon, legend, trailblazer – but Barbara Walters was all of these. And perhaps, above all else, Barbara Walters was brave."

And Walters put that bravery into practice every time she asked the hard-hitting questions. Now, as fans and colleagues honor the legend on social media, many are taking aim at former president Donald J. Trump thanks to a resurfaced interview between the businessman and Walters from 1990 — and it has everyone saying the same thing.

Barbara Walters grilled Donald Trump about his finances

While many have taken to social media to remember Barbara Walters for her trailblazing career, others have also dug deep into the archives to highlight an iconic "20/20" interview between the award-winning journalist and businessman Donald J. Trump from 1990. In the clip (above), Walters interrogates the future president about his finances. According to Newsweek, at the time of the interview, Walters was specifically interested in Trump's 1988 purchase of the Plaza hotel in New York City, a property he purchased for $407.5 million, but ultimately sold for $325 million in 1995. Walters goes on to highlight Trump's billions of dollars in debt — facts she confirmed with Trump's own bankers — while also touching on his questionable interests. 

And now, as this clip gains traction on Twitter — on the same day Trump's tax returns were released, no less — users are praising the late journalist for not backing down. "Reporters of today could learn something from Barbara Walters. Notice how she wouldn't let Donald Trump keep lying? Notice how she wouldn't let him cut her off? Notice how she kept stating facts? May she rest in peace!" one user posted. "OMG there isn't another journalist working today who could own Donald Trump as thoroughly as Barbara Walters did in less than 2 minutes," another person tweeted. "Barbara Walters KNEW and called him on it even back then," another user added. Walters unique approach and distinct talent will surely be admired for generations to come.
