The Odd Advice Prince Andrew Gave Sandringham Attendee Who Was Struggling To Stay Warm

Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, who has been barred from most official royal duties in light of the scandal involving his alleged sexual assault of an underage girl, still joined the royal family for their traditional Christmas celebrations (via Fox). Accompanied by his two daughters, Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice, and walking alongside his brother Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Andrew attended church services at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Sandringham, Norfolk along with the rest of his extended family.

Many were surprised to see Prince Andrew attend such a prominent, forward-facing event, yet others speculated that while he was not barred from a family celebration, he is not likely to ever regain a prominent role in public life, especially since King Charles has said he intends to have a more trimmed down monarchy than the one he inherited (via Fox). 

The throngs of royal fans who came to watch the family process into the church in Sandringham were treated not only to views of the family wearing their holiday best, but were also treated to some strange advice from Prince Andrew himself.  

The advice that is raising eyebrows

As the royal family processed through the crowd in Sandringham, Prince Andrew, 62, chatted with members of the public (via The Daily Mail). As polite conversation with strangers often does, the subject turned to the weather, which was quite cold that day. Prince Andrew asked one woman if her feet were cold. When she replied that she was "freezing," Andrew gave the woman some advice, which was caught on tape and left people scratching their heads. Andrew told the woman, "Did you know the trick is to bring a newspaper? Stand on a newspaper and you insulate your feet."

The woman politely thanked The Duke before he walked on, but the local person who filmed the interaction told The Sun that "The whole thing was really odd" and went on to say of the strange advice, "I don't imagine the woman will be testing his theory anytime soon." 
