King Charles' First Christmas Address Pays Heartfelt Tribute To Queen Elizabeth

King Charles III continues to honor his mother, the late Queen Elizabeth II, in his first string of speeches as Britain's new monarch. In November, the newly-crowned king unveiled a statue in his mother's likeness at York Minster. What was initially built to celebrate Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee turned out to be a monument honoring her legacy. 

"The symbolism of the statue, combining the signs of Church and of State, is perfectly suited to its place on the West Front of this glorious building. It is a testament to the Minster's enduring mission of showing God's love and presence to all," Charles noted at the time, per Tatler. "The late queen was always vigilant for the welfare of her people during her life."

Charles continued, "Now, her image will watch over what will become Queen Elizabeth Square, for centuries to come — a constant example of the duty and care for others, and for our community, which is the calling and the duty we all share." Naturally, the king's first Christmas address was not without mention of his late mother. 

The king sweetly remembered his late mother in the address

Like mother, like son. In his very first Christmas address, King Charles III delivered his speech to the British nation in a similar manner to the late Queen Elizabeth II. Likewise, he prefaced, "I am standing here in this exquisite Chapel of St. George at Windsor Castle, so close to where my beloved mother, the late queen, is laid to rest with my dear father," (via YouTube). 

While Christmas is generally considered a jolly occasion, Charles pointed out that it can also be a "particularly poignant time for all of us who have lost loved ones," during which people can "feel their absence at every familiar turn of the season." However, the king shares his mother's belief in the "extraordinary ability of each person to touch, with goodness and compassion, the lives of others." 

Charles went on to honor the Armed Forces and Emergency Services, health and social care professionals, teachers, and everyone else working in public service for their undying commitment. He also thanked charities for serving the needy, as well as "churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and gurdwaras" for their invaluable work of "feeding the hungry." 

Charles' Christmas address was reminiscent of his mother's reliably moving speeches in the past. He clearly wishes to follow the queen's example since, in his first speech to the public as king, Charles reminded himself and everybody watching to "remember and draw strength from the light of her example" (via BBC). 
