Body Language Expert Suspects Meghan Markle's Emotional Needs Trump Prince Harry's - Exclusive

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, tell their personal story on Netflix's latest documentary series, "Harry & Meghan." The series has shared intimate details of their love story. For instance, fans now know that Harry first saw a silly Snapchat video of Meghan with a dog filter on Instagram and fell for her then. Harry also revealed that his family was impressed with Meghan when they first met, even joking, "They were surprised a ginger could land such a beautiful woman."

As many know, Meghan and Harry have not had the easiest time in the public eye, and this documentary series has showcased that as well. Many were expecting the couple to face backlash from the royal family following the docuseries release, but a source told Us Weekly the royal family are breathing a sigh of relief following the "Harry & Meghan" debut.

However, the couple has faced backlash from public figures and casual viewers alike. A concern is that Meghan's emotional needs seem more important than Harry's. A body language expert exclusively told Women Lifestyle how this was showcased during clips from the Netflix documentary.

A body language expert breaks down an exchange between the royal couple

During the second episode of the Netflix series "Harry & Meghan," which tells the story of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry showed some anxiety. The pair were in a car together and Harry was struggling with the press following them. Meghan held his hand at this moment.

Body language expert, life coach, and relationship expert Nicole Moore of the Love Works Method broke down this scene exclusively for Women Lifestyle.

"Meghan offers minimal support to Harry while he's dealing with anxiety," Moore said. "Meghan takes a deep inhale at the start of the clip while her body remains stiff, indicating her nervousness. Harry, in contrast, has more relaxed shoulders. He is pensive while looking out the window but he actually appears to have less anxiety at this moment than Meghan does."

This one scene from 'Harry & Meghan' may indicate whose needs come first

Body language expert, Nicole Moore, revealed exclusively to Women Lifestyle that this seemingly small moment in "Harry & Meghan" "may be indicative of a larger dynamic at play for the couple." Moore shares, "[Prince] Harry's anxiety may be stemming mostly from how much Meghan [Markle]'s anxiety affects him. He's worried not so much about himself as much as he's worried about Meghan."

In this scene from Episode 2 of the docuseries, Moore points out, "When Harry starts to speak, offering some words of comfort — 'we'll be with friends in less than 10 minutes' — he turns his head toward Meghan indicating a desire to connect. Meghan whispers, 'yeah,' and as she does so, her head and mouth move ever so slightly sideways in acknowledgment of his comment, but she does not turn her head or body toward Harry to connect." Moore continued, "She offers a minimal dose of support to Harry while remaining completely connected to her own anxiety and her own concerns the whole time. In this clip, the dynamic appears to be: Meghan's inner discomfort comes before Harry's."

Harry was very attentive of Meghan at the queen's funeral

Alas, Netflix's "Harry & Meghan" wasn't the first time others witnessed Harry seemingly put his wife's emotions before his own. Following the death of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, many bystanders watched as Harry treated Meghan with the utmost care at the high-profile funeral. "You saw the reassurance that Harry was giving to Meghan at times when they were walking together and had to go in their different directions," funeral guest Pranav Bhanot told People about the couple's dynamic. "I noticed just how supportive Harry was to Meghan," he added. "When they went their separate directions after the ceremony, he gave her a firm squeeze of the hand. I felt he wanted to ensure she felt comfortable."

Still, there were instances in the docuseries that proved that Harry is also in tune with his wants and needs, specifically regarding his own privacy. Case in point: the moment Meghan revealed that Harry had an "extensive list" of qualities he wanted his future girlfriend to possess. However, when pressed about those qualities, Harry quickly shut it down. "Let's not go there," he quipped, per Express. "Not showing the list, nice try." He then carefully added, "This is the list," as he pointed to Meghan. And just like that, he swiftly batted the attention right back to his wife. Bravo, Harry!
