Why Adding Ashwagandha Powder To Your Coffee Will Give It A Healthy Boost

You might wake up in the mornings needing that extra boost to start your day. For many people, drinking coffee every morning covers the bases for this. In fact, coffee itself can offer many health benefits for your well being (via Healthline). The most obvious one is perhaps the fact that it can boost your energy levels because of its caffeine. It can also reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Additionally, coffee can also help improve your brain health, lower your risk of depression, help you with weight management, and even increase your expected life longevity.

To get more out of your daily coffee, try adding superfoods for the added benefits they offer to support your health. Because of your daily intake of coffee, it might be worth getting more out of it while you're at it. Ashwagandha powder in particular can provide that extra kick for your well being, per Greatist. By implementing it, you are tapping into its health benefits that date back to Ayurvedic medicine practices.

What is ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that has been used for centuries. It comes from an evergreen herbal shrub, which is typically found in India, Africa, and parts of the Middle East, according to Cleveland Clinic. It stems from the Ayurvedic medicine practice where holistic health is at the center for healing, mindfulness, and nutrition in regards to the mind, body, and soul. "Ashwagandha has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to increase energy, improve overall health and reduce inflammation, pain, and anxiety," integrative medicine specialist Dr. Yufang Lin, M.D. tells Cleveland Clinic.

It has been widely used in medicinal practices because of its "antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties," according to Examine. It also contains bioactive compounds, which are at the root of its benefits as well. You can usually find ashwagandha supplements in the form of a capsule, liquid extract, or powder, which is why it's so easy to add to your morning coffee. 

Benefits of ashwagandha

Using ashwagandha powder is the most convenient way to add it to your morning coffee. This is the perfect time to do so while you simultaneously experience the health benefits of coffee with the benefits of ashwagandha. According to Forbes, ashwagandha is popular for stress relief because it can significantly decrease stress and anxiety levels. The supplement can also boost brain health by supporting memory, cognition, and motor response abilities. Additionally, it increases sleep quality. Ashwagandha also aids in supporting heart health and lowering blood sugar and fat in the blood. This supplement is also known for improving physical stamina through your muscles and strength. Other notable benefits include boosting testosterone and fertility in men, improving women's sexual function, and supporting the immune system overall.

While ashwagandha provides a variety of benefits, check in with your doctor if you're unsure about this approach, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions. It is also not recommended for anyone to consume ashwagandha during pregnancy. Generally, it's safe to use as long as you remain within the suggested dosage of 250 to 600 mg to avoid taking too much, which can lead to an upset stomach and nausea (via Medical News Today). Most importantly, set your intentions with ashwagandha to receive the most benefit you can for your own mind, body, and soul.
