Insider Says The Queen's Longtime Lady In Waiting Was 'Thrown Under The Bus' In Royal Race Controversy

The remarks of Queen Elizabeth's longtime lady-in-waiting Lady Susan Hussey continue to make headlines and spilled into the Prince and Princess of Wales' Boston visit. The Mirror reported Lady Hussey had resigned from her role as palace aide after making racist comments to Ngozi Fulani, a Black charity leader visiting Buckingham Palace. The first day of William and Kate's American visit wasn't the "Superbowl" win they hoped for. Newsweek's royal correspondent Jack Royston tweeted, "Prince William, Kate Middleton booed at Celtics game on the day of race storm. A tricky start for William and Kate in Boston."

At an event in Boston, Reverend Mariama White-Hammond made racism and colonialism part of her speech. Page Six reported that White-Hammond said, "On this day, I invite us all to consider the legacy of colonialism and racism ... Its deep connection to the degradation of land and our planet that we are all seeking to reverse." The Daily Mail reported that American media has "seized" on the remarks, noting national television and newspaper coverage of the scandal.

The Daily Beast penned a brutal story about the incident titled, "Prince William Says Racism Has 'No Place in Society.' What About His Own Family?" The essay claims that racism is still part of the British monarchy and the royal family "has been slow-walking their effort to deal with it." 

Despite the controversy, one royal insider claims the queen's longtime lady-in-waiting was treated unfairly.

Palace insiders call royal aide's resignation 'overreaction'

The controversial reason Queen Elizabeth's longtime lady-in-waiting resigned from the palace created drama inside Buckingham Palace. Some palace insiders are unhappy about Lady Susan Hussey's swift resignation from her royal duties. "No question, Lady Susan has been thrown under a bus, and it is a massive overreaction," one royal insider told the Daily Mail. Another palace veteran said, "Where is their duty of care and compassion towards a much-loved member of staff who has led an exemplary life of service and dedication to the monarchy?" 

The Mail reported that the resignation resulted in stormy discussions within the palace about Hussey, who served the queen for 60 years. Some within royal circles claim King Charles acted with "indecent haste" due to "social media" and the royal visit to Boston.

But one palace aide had a different view of Lady Susan. The royal aide told Page Six, "Lady Susan is a relic from another era, but she was with the queen for some of the most important moments of her reign." 

And it seems Hussey questioned another guest about his heritage. British lawyer Nazir Afzal tweeted, "I was at the Buckingham Palace reception at which Lady Hussey questioned the heritage of a brilliant DV expert Ngozi Fulani. She only asked me my heritage once & seemed to accept my answer – Manchester currently! Racism is never far away tho."
