Why Dieting During The Holidays Might Do You More Harm Than Good

For those who live to eat and not eat to live, the holidays are a time when it's hard to resist the delectable dishes that cross our paths. After all, some of these wintertime favorites can involve a tradition, such as baking holiday goodies with loved ones or making a special trip to a holiday event where drinks are flowing and sugar is ubiquitous. 

It's an understandable season to indulge, that's for sure, and although our bodies may still be reeling already from Thanksgiving, we should remember to be kind to ourselves instead of feeling guilty for that extra serving of sweet potato casserole.

However, that being said, it wouldn't be unique to feel cautious when approaching the holiday spreads we encounter at the annual celebratory functions for those who are trying to watch what they eat.

This is a hot topic over social media — some who argue that either during or after a holiday like Thanksgiving, we have to get back on track immediately with diet and exercise, while others say that we shouldn't punish ourselves physically and mentally with pervasive diet culture on occasions, via @jameelajamil on TikTok

Now, one registered dietician is sounding off on how sticking to that diet during the holiday season may not pay off like one may think.

Dietician said diet culture myths can be a toxic when it comes to holiday eating

In a recent episode of "The Everygirl Podcast," host Josie Santi and Lisa Moskovitz, CEO of New York Nutrition Group and registered dietician, discuss post-holiday detoxing.

Moskovitz cites that the average amount of weight gain during the holidays is just close to one pound, and if we already have our minds made up about certain holiday favorites, it's a plan to self-sabotage. 

"If you're looking at these foods as quote on quote or so-called 'bad for you,' you're going to feel bad when you eat them," Moskovitz explains. "It's going to become this all or nothing."

Moskovitz suggests actively trying to re-train our minds on eating during the holidays. It's not lost on her that our society thrives on diet culture.

"When you're first giving yourself permission to enjoy foods again, you're going to eat past the point where you're comfortably full," she said. "...And you're still going to have times where you eat a little bit more and feel guilty, bad, ashamed, defeated, whatever it is, those aren't going to go away overnight. But the more you work on it, the easier it gets."

She gives some reassuring advice when those intrusive thoughts inevitably enter. "All they [her clients] needed was to hear, 'It's okay to eat those foods. They're not bad for you.'"
