New Study Changes Conceptions On Pregnancy After A Miscarriage

Experiencing a miscarriage can leave you with questions about when to try again. There are major concerns about when is the best time to do so and how safe future conceptions will be. Miscarriages are a common pregnancy experience, according to Mayo Clinic. Such loss is usually not caused by issues associated with the parents, but by spontaneous complications with the fetus instead. But, couples should not be discouraged, as trying again is safe.

Obstetrician Sohinee Bhattacharya at the University of Aberdeen reassures couples, "The next pregnancy is likely to have a positive outcome, and they should try to conceive as soon as they feel physically and mentally ready" (via WebMD). The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests waiting six months before trying to conceive again. This will help decrease risk to said parent and fetus. However, a new study challenges that suggested time frame. So, how long should couples wait before trying to conceive?

Couples can try to conceive again three months after pregnancy loss

A study published in PLOS Medicine suggests there's limited risk related to conceiving again within three months after a miscarriage or induced abortion. This topic was researched over a span of eight years and considered various aspects of the subjects' health history to conclude compelling results. The recommendation found by this cohort study is reassuring to families, especially those who don't wish to wait up to six months before trying to get pregnant again.

Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, a practicing gynecologist, concurs with the shortened time frame. The Yale University clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences recommends "waiting two or so months to give the uterus a chance to recover and for the woman to regain regular menstrual cycle activity" (via Healthline). According to the Miscarriage Association, unless you are in recovery from an illness, ectopic, or molar pregnancy, there are no medical reasons to delay trying again. When you and your partner are emotionally and physically well, it is safe to go full steam ahead. So you can keep working on those unique baby names.
