Ivanka Trump And Jared Kushner Take A Vacation Amid Donald's New Campaign

Donald Trump's troubles seem to be growing. On November 18, the Justice Department named Jack Smith as special counsel for the criminal investigations involving former President Trump. The New York Times reported that Smith has years of experience prosecuting public corruption and war crimes cases. Washington Post editor Ruth Marcus pointed out, "[T]he arrival of a hard-charging prosecutor is an ominous sign for Trump: Smith didn't leave his job as a war crimes prosecutor in The Hague to preside over a non-case." As the dark clouds surround the former president, his former top advisors, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, are on vacation!

Ivanka and Jared were the 45th president's top White House aides, but the couple seemed to be out of pocket during the biggest blow-ups of the Trump administration. According to The Forward, the couple observed Shabbat during the president's "Muslim ban" crisis and went skiing while the Trump administration's healthcare bill went down in flames. The Daily Beast reported during the 2018 government shutdown crisis, Ivanka and Jared were on vacation as well.

Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham and former first lady Melania Trump had a nickname for the couple. In one excerpt from her book (via Daily Mail), Grisham wrote they "dissed Javanka as 'the interns' for their tendency to jump into all manner of subjects in the White House." But in the middle of her dad's new crisis, Ivanka and her family are living the good life.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner in Egypt abandoning Donald Trump

Like their White House days, when it hits the fan, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner head out on vacation. On November 21, the former first daughter tweeted: "A day at the Pyramids! So special to explore the beauty of Egypt for the first time with my family!" The couple is visiting the pyramids with their three children, and shared photos of everyone smiling. However, reaction to Ivanka's tweet was not positive. One Twitter user commented, "Tell us Ivanka, how are you enjoying spending the billions of dollars that your husband, Jared Kushner, receive[d] from Saudi Arabia?" Another tweeted: "You're doing the right thing. If I were about to go to jail, I would travel and spend time with family, too." Ouch.

Ivanka, Jared, and family looked like they were having fun, but back home, Donald Trump was not in a good place. Former President Trump is currently involved in at least seven criminal investigations, per Insider. The former president announced his third run for the White House on November 15. Still, Salon reported there is less support by the GOP this time around. The former president's daughter didn't show up for her dad's campaign announcement either, signaling Ivanka Trump is not ready to jump back into politics. After Donald's presidential launch, Ivanka told Fox News Digital, "This time around, I am choosing to prioritize my young children and the private life we are creating as a family. I do not plan to be involved in politics."
