The Cocktail King Charles Reportedly Enjoys Every Single Day

The cocktail choices of the British Royal Family have long been a topic of conversation. Because of this, we as the general public know that the late Queen Elizabeth II enjoyed a cocktail of Dubonnet and gin before lunch on the daily, and her mother, known during Elizabeth's reign as The Queen Mother, enjoyed the same drink, with slightly different ratios of gin to Dubonnet than her daughter (via Food and Wine).  

Now, with a new monarch on the throne, it makes sense that the public is curious to learn about King Charles III's favorite drink of choice. Enter The King's friend, Count Tibor Kalnoky, who resides in Viscri, Transylvania, Romania; he recently contributed to a Chanel 4 documentary titled "The Real Windsors: The Outspoken Heir" (via The Mirror). During his interview, he told the filmmakers that Charles visited him in Romania years ago, and while there, his before-dinner-drink of choice became quite clear. "He likes a Martini before dinner, that's for sure," said The Count. 

Now, while there may not seem to be anything quite so remarkable about a martini, The King's preferences as to how it is served are certainly uncommon. 

How King Charles ensures he enjoys his martini

King Charles III, as a working royal all his life, has done a great deal of traveling. And while you might imagine anyone his visits is likely to ensure they have what they need to ensure his comfort, Charles takes a great deal of that into his own hands, at least where it comes to his nightly cocktail. 

According to The Mirror, The King prefers drinking his gin martini from his own glass, which he brings with him while traveling. Further, because he is particular about the gin used, he has also been known to bring his own liquor with him while abroad.

"He'll take booze on royal tours with him so that he has always got something he likes to drink," says Charles' friend Count Tibor Kalnoky. "It's quite strange behavior," he went on to say, "but for Charles, it just makes sense!"

Charles is also known to enjoy a gin and tonic. In the morning, however, Charles drinks Darjeeling tea and a small glass of fruit juice. Presumably, these can be served in glasses and cups that the monarch did not cart with him across the pond. 
