Expert Claims King Charles And The Queen Had A More Complicated Relationship Than We Realized

After the heartbreaking death of Queen Elizabeth II, the royal family was plunged into mourning. While her eldest son immediately ascended to the throne, King Charles III wanted the world to know how much he missed his mother. "I pay tribute to my mother's memory and I honor her life of service," he said during his first speech as king, per PBS. "I know that her death brings great sadness to so many of you and I share that sense of loss, beyond measure, with you all."

The relationship between Charles and Elizabeth seemed to deepen over the past few years, especially when dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the death of Prince Philip, and the departure of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, from their royal duties (which the British press dubbed "Megxit"). 

"I think in all of this, certainly over the past year, both as a result of the pandemic and as a result of Megxit, I think what you're seeing is a very closely aligned, top tier royals, the queen, Prince Charles, and Prince William, really working as a unit together," royal expert Katie Nicholl told Entertainment Tonight.

But a new book is pointing out that things weren't always so rosy between Elizabeth and Charles. 

King Charles developed a deeper bond with his mother later on in life

While King Charles III had a close relationship with his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, things weren't always "warm and fuzzy" between the two. "That's because the [royal] family is not set up to be cozy," Christopher Andersen, author of "The King: The Life of King Charles III," told US Weekly. He added that Charles felt "abandoned" by his parents during his "heartbreakingly lonely childhood," which put a strain on his relationship with them.

But Charles was apparently able to put the hurt of the past behind him as the years went on. "I think that the queen and Charles grew closer as she grew white [and] old, and as he grew," Andersen explained.

In fact, when he received word that Elizabeth was ill, Charles rushed to Balmoral to be at his mother's side. And, after her passing, he vowed to follow her lead in his new role as head of the British monarchy. 

"Wherever you may live in the United Kingdom, or in the realms and territories across the world, and whatever may be your background or beliefs, I shall endeavor to serve you with loyalty, respect and love, as I have throughout my life," he said in his first speech as king, per PBS.
