The Most Unique Airbnbs You Can Find In Cape Cod

Considered one of the most affluent New England destinations, Cape Cod is a popular summer vacation spot (via Thrillist). A classic American town to travel to, Cape Cod is known for its over-the-top and patriotic Fourth of July celebrations. From its picturesque beach spots and seafood delights, it's no wonder Cape Cod is always buzzing in the summer season. According to the National Park Service, over 4 million visited the Cape Cod National Seashore in 2021. Ranking among the top national parks in traffic, Cape Cod is one of the beach destinations everyone wants to see.

Because Cape Cod is such a sought-after vacation spot, it's often tough to find an available hotel. In the summer, when tourism is at its peak, finding a hotel with a room can be challenging. That's why more people are turning to Airbnb to find a place to stay during their vacation. However, with more Airbnbs opening up each day, it's up to the owners to find ways to attract visitors to their homes. Thankfully, this has created some very unique Airbnbs. Cape Cod's Airbnb hosts have created one-of-a-kind atmospheres that continue to draw visitors to the charming town. 

Waterfront properties

When you picture the classic Cape Cod beachfront, it's likely you imagine a lighthouse in the distance. Well, when in Cape Cod, you can now stay at your dream lighthouse. The Wings Neck Lighthouse is an actual lighthouse that has a long history as a former U.S. Coast Guard Lighthouse. Despite its age, this Airbnb has been renovated and can now accommodate you and up to seven guests. With the water just a few feet from the doorstep and velvet green grass, it's a dreamy, picturesque way to spend your vacation.

It wouldn't be a Cape Cod home if it didn't have a classic shingle exterior. The movie-like exterior landscape of the Historic Waterfront Home is perfect if you want the Cape Cod experience. With a private beach, you and your eight guests will make great memories at this location. The possibilities are endless, whether you simply lay by the beach reading a book or spend some time kayaking.

One-of-a-kind properties

It isn't every day you get the opportunity to stay in a gingerbread house. The Gingerbread Cottage in Martha's Vineyard is the chance to make your fairytale dreams come true. As quirky as they look, the charming and unique interior of the gingerbread homes make it more than an experience. Surrounded by other gingerbread cottages, this cottage is part of the charm of Martha's Vineyard. This Airbnb lets you participate in the community and live out a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

From gingerbread houses to windmills, Cape Cod has it all. The Windmill Cottage in Chatham Village is a unique property that the whole family will love. With this cottage relocated to this location in the 1940s, this home may be quaint but filled with charm. Located in the old village, this cottage is also close to all of the action. Inside, the cottage is exactly how you would picture spending your time inside a windmill. Complete with wood and warm accents, this cozy home is perfect for small families looking for a getaway.
