How The October 25 New Moon Will Affect You If You're A Taurus

New moons may be one of the few astrological events that aren't visible. The sky remains clear, and it may feel like the magic of the moon is absent, but it is far from it. New moons are actually one of the most spiritually powerful occurrences you can tap into. A new moon is a time for new beginnings, a chance to set new intentions, and a window to embark on new journeys, per Mind Body Green. Of course, every new moon comes with its very own special power and effect, and understanding what the October 25 new moon encapsulates is the first step to understanding how to tap into its energy.

Landing in the sign of Scorpio, this new moon is all about love. New love, old love, and love that might have expired. Throw in the element of Venus, and this new moon is guaranteed to inspire a relationship shake-up (via Women's Health). Now, sometimes new moons have more of a dramatic impact on some signs rather than others. Landing in your opposite sign on the zodiac wheel, this new moon is especially powerful for Tauruses (April 20 – May 20). But what areas of your life precisely will it be hitting?

Your relationships need some work . . .

Ah, there's nothing more daunting than reading your horoscope and getting told that your love life is due for a change. Just minding your business peacefully thinking that you've got all your relationships in order, and suddenly the universe sheds a light on areas that might need a little more work than you thought. Taurus, you may have been feeling that something's gotta give when it comes to your love life, and this new moon is the time to embrace that give. 

Don't worry, this isn't necessarily to say that your current or blossoming relationships need to be ended. It simply means that it's time to look a little closer and make some decisions you've been avoiding. Big changes are in store for you as well as your current or potential partner. Woman and Home explains that the series of eclipses coming your way are helping guide you to better relationships that uplift you rather than those dragging you down. 

Change can be scary, but find comfort in the fact that the universe has your back. Astrologer Desiree Antila explains, "This moon is opposing your sun and the north node of destiny, which will feel fated and make things that were destined for you happen quickly," per Bustle. Everything will fall in place as it should, and you'll emerge from this new moon in a much healthier place in your relationships. 

. . . And it's on you to do the work

Your relationships aren't naturally going to transform all by themselves. You need to put in the work, Taurus. This new moon is the perfect time for you to reflect on how you treat others and how they treat you. Are you happy with what you're getting out of your relationships, or do you perhaps find them draining at times? It's easy to get comfortable in a situation and avoid facing the hard truths that could jolt you outside of your comfort zone, but that is where the magic happens after all. Cosmopolitan suggests journaling to unpack your feelings and jot down what it is that you seek and need from a relationship. You can only find yourself in a better situation if you figure out what better means for you.

You're in for a lot of self-reflection, Taurus, especially with the upcoming full moon eclipse landing in your sign in a couple of weeks. But this new moon landing in your opposite sign, Scorpio, is an ideal time to embrace these opposing energies to open you up to looking at things differently. Astrologer Imani Quinn reveals that "because Taurus' attributes are the opposite of Scorpio, they complement each other really well. And because the upcoming full moon is going to be exemplifying things around Taurus themes, leading up to that is going to be really strong energy for Taurus placements," per Mind Body Green.
