How The October 25 New Moon Will Affect You If You're An Aquarius

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22) season has barely kicked off and it's already starting big with the October 25 new moon. Scorpio energy is big on intense emotional reflection as well as ambition and a unique outlook on life, per Co-Star Astrology. So you can only imagine what all of this means for the new moon's energy. 

This new moon takes place in conjunction with Venus, and this means that it's time to focus and hone in on things you've been wanting to change (via Women's Health). After all, new moons are all about transformations and starting something new, this new moon just happens to amp up that energy even more. 

New moons are an opportune time to take stock of your life, reflect on things you've been avoiding and open yourself up to facing yourself in order to make a change. You can only improve if you identify where improvement is needed and what that improvement looks like for you. Of course, the lightless new moon illuminates a certain aspect of everyone's life, and understanding how it directly impacts your own zodiac sign is the first step to figuring out exactly what energy you need to tap into this new moon.

Big career moves are coming your way

Well, this new moon is hard work for you, Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) — literally. But don't worry, it's not the daunting type of work, it's actually rather exciting. Landing in your tenth house of career, this new moon is shining a light on your work-life (via Woman and Home). Big changes are coming, you may have already been sensing them or pursuing them but under this new moon, things will finally begin to unfold. 

It's a time for transformation, and that could mean anything from getting that promotion you've been longing for or completely uprooting your career path and jumping headfirst into a new opportunity, according to Today. Whichever you choose, just know that this new moon is the perfect environment to embrace any potential career change. New moons are opportune for new beginnings, so don't shy away from any changes that come your way at work — it's only going to help you grow.

The most important thing to note is that while you feel these changes beginning to unfold, you should wait to take any actual real action until this eclipse season passes. Take on board the path that's clearing up ahead of you, and use this new moon to prepare for the change to come. Astrologer Desiree Antila cautions, "Do not make any big decisions now. Wait until we are out of eclipse season to make your move," per Bustle.

Crack the code on work/life balance

So your career is on the up and up, but what about everything else? You're used to being career-focused, Aquarius, and that's great considering how rewarding you find professional growth. Just don't make the cardinal mistake of letting every other element of your life fall to the sidelines. With imminent changes set to take place at work, make sure to also use this new moon to check in on your work/life balance. Cosmopolitan pointed out that you may be prone to neglecting your family or fun in favor of work, but it's time to figure out a way to find your happiness outside of your career as well. 

Big things are coming for your career, so you can afford to take a moment to breathe. Your new job or promotion could demand even more of your time, so this is the perfect window to do the work to prepare yourself to still make room for other things. Bustle suggests you use this new moon to relax a little and reflect on what you want for your life and how you can bring about the changes you need. All work no play will only leave you drained eventually, do the prep work to make sure this new career chapter isn't one that leads to burnout. 
