The Transformation Of Knox Léon Jolie-Pitt

There's nothing ordinary about your birth (or the rest of your life, for that matter) when your parents are as famous as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Knox Léon Jolie-Pitt and his twin sister Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt were born on July 12, 2008 (per People), and instead of just their parents and close family excitedly waiting for them to enter the world, the global population was just as eager to meet them. Knox and his sister were famous before they ever made the front page, and media outlets have provided detailed information about their birth and lives ever since. According to People, Knox is older than his sister by one minute. He was born at 6:27 p.m., and Pitt cut his and his sister's umbilical cords.

The world has watched Knox and Vivienne grow up over the years. They've been through a lot together, from dealing with their parents' divorce to navigating a global pandemic. While life as a famous kid can't be easy, Knox appears to be handling it just fine, and doesn't shy away from appearing in public with his famous parents. While we're still speculating on whether or not he'll become a movie star one day, we're happy to simply watch Knox grow into a handsome young man in the meantime. Join us as we take a look at the transformation of Knox over the past couple of years.

Knox and his twin sister were born in Nice, France

Even though his parents are both U.S. citizens, Knox Léon Jolie-Pitt and his sister Vivienne Marcheline were born in Niece, France, at the Fondation Lenval hospital overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Given their parents' fame, the world was eagerly awaiting the twins' arrival, and so was their mother, Angelina Jolie. She was advised to stay at the hospital for surveillance two weeks prior to their birth (via People). When the twins finally made their arrival on July 12, 2008 via cesarean section, Jolie and her husband, Brad Pitt, were elated.

Michel Sussmann, the doctor who delivered the twins, later told Europe 1 radio (via Reuters) that, despite having years of experience delivering babies, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous when the time came to deliver the twins. "It wasn't pressure on a medical level, because I have been practicing for a certain number of years, but it's true that there was pressure due to the couple's fame," he said at the time. He told People that Pitt was at Jolie's side during the birth, and even though he was "perfectly calm," emotions ran high when he heard the twins' first cries.

Outside the hospital, reporters gathered to welcome Knox and his sister and hopefully get a glimpse of the Jolie-Pitt family as they left. The Nice Matin newspaper dedicated several pages to their birth, and Nice's mayor, Christian Estrosi, even signed the twins' birth certificates.

Knox Jolie-Pitt's baby pictures were reportedly sold for big bucks

The fanfare that surrounded Knox Jolie-Pitt and his sister's birth was enough to predict that news outlets would pay handsomely to get their hands on their pictures. While the press didn't manage to get a snap of the twins, their parents eventually did a shoot with Getty, and the pictures were reportedly sold to People and Hello! magazine for a jaw-dropping amount (via Reuters).

Getty didn't reveal how much these outlets paid, but some media reported that it amounted to a whopping $11 million. However, a source in the industry later said the number is higher than what both People and Hello! magazine paid together, so we're still left wondering how much these outlets really spent to get those first shots. One thing's for sure: It definitely wasn't cheap. Being the humanitarians that they are, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt donated the money from the twins' photographs to charity.

He and his twin sister formed a special bond

It's no secret that twins share a very special bond, so it was no surprise when Angelina Jolie revealed to People that Knox and his sister are extra close. A study published by the Dublin City University surveyed 99 twins and 93 non-twins to gauge whether twins are more prone to relational maintenance behaviors than their non-twin siblings. Relational maintenance behaviors are characterized by openness, positivity, assurances, social networks, and sharing tasks, according to research published by the University of North Dakota. Results showed that twins tend to gravitate toward these behaviors, and also don't like their non-twin siblings as much as they like each other.

While we can't say for sure whether Knox and Vivienne Jolie-Pitt like their other siblings just a teensy little bit less than each other, their special connection was evident early in their lives. More than a year after their birth, Angelina Jolie told People that she could see that connection grow on a daily basis. "When you look at them, it's like they were made for each other," she told People. "They smile at each other, sniff each other, touch each other. It's just beautiful." And, like most twins, Knox and his sister also have very different personalities. "Knox is more the quiet one, very relaxed, while Viv is a little more aggressive and loud," she revealed.

Knox used to be home-schooled

Knox Jolie-Pitt was homeschooled for quite some time alongside his other siblings, and even though they weren't in a traditional school setting, Knox was still learning a ton — his mother made sure of that. A family source told People back in 2017 that Jolie's kids had a variety of at-home tutors seeing to their education. "They have tutors for all kinds of subjects, including different languages and instruments," the source revealed. Knox also spent plenty of time taking part in after-school activities like skateboarding and soccer as well as self-defense classes.

To Jolie, it is important that her kids receive the best education possible, and Knox can definitely testify that being homeschooled can actually allow you the opportunity to explore a wide variety of subjects and fields. "It bothered me how little I was taught in school," Jolie revealed at a screening of her film "First They Killed My Father" (via People) "I do worry about my children's education. I homeschool partially because they are from around the world and it's very ... I didn't want them to have the same education I had when it came to Vietnam or Cambodia," she added. Jolie's husband, Brad Pitt, wasn't entirely on board with the homeschool idea and pushed for Knox and his siblings to attend a traditional school after he and Jolie split, a source told Us Weekly, adding that Pitt doesn't want the kids "isolated being homeschooled."

Knox Jolie-Pitt voiced a character in Kung Fu Panda 3

Most people probably expected Knox Jolie-Pitt to step into the spotlight as soon as he could walk, but despite being known globally thanks to his very famous parents, Knox has mostly been operating under the radar. Until 2016, he didn't have a single acting credit to his name. However, with parents as famous as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, it's impossible not to get roped into a project every once in a while, even if it is behind the scenes.

While "Kung Fu Panda 3" was in the works, few people knew that four of Jolie's kids, including Knox, were part of the cast and voiced some of the characters. While most of us would do anything for this kind of opportunity, Knox and his siblings, which included Zahara, Pax, and Shiloh, weren't all that eager. "They were kind of shy," Jolie told Entertainment Tonight. "They don't really want to be actors, but I didn't want them to miss the opportunity. They came in, and they had a lot of fun with it." The Jolie-Pitt clan worked together to make panda noises, and Knox got to voice Ku Ku, a young panda who is one of a set of triplets (via IMDB). Thanks to his mom encouraging him to take on the project, Knox got to have his name appear alongside a stellar cast that includes stars like Jackie Chan, Kate Hudson, and Dustin Hoffman.

He had to navigate his parents' divorce

There's no doubt that the announcement of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's divorce in 2016 affected Knox Jolie-Pitt. The ongoing custody battle that ensued was a very stressful time for Knox and his siblings. "It's just very, very jarring for the kids, to suddenly have their family ripped apart," Brad Pitt told GQ in 2017, adding that his main focus was to help them come out stronger at the other end of the divorce. Angelina Jolie felt the same way, telling Vanity Fair that "we care for each other and care about our family, and we are both working towards the same goal. She added that she was proud of how Knox and his siblings were handling the divorce. "They've been very brave. They were very brave. In times they needed to be," she told the outlet.

Knox's parents were finally declared legally single in 2019. At the time, a source told Entertainment Tonight that things were slowly improving. "Brad and Angelina have come a long way," the source said. "Their communication has improved tremendously and they're both dedicated to co-parenting. Their kids have a custody schedule and that's made a huge difference for the whole family."

Knox and his siblings raised funds for an animal charity

It's no secret that Knox Jolie-Pitt's parents have worked tirelessly to make the world a better place, and it's clear that their desire to help others has rubbed off on their kids. Knox and his siblings clearly aren't afraid to get their hands dirty when it comes to doing something for the greater good, as was proven when they were spotted selling organic dog treats in a public park with their mom.

Former "Parenthood" star Sarah Ramos caught a glimpse of the Jolie-Pitt clan's dog treat stand and took a picture of herself with all of them in the background. She posted the photo to her Instagram account and gushed over how amazingly sweet it was. And, of course, Knox and his siblings weren't selling dog treats to get extra pocket money. According to Ramos' post, they were donating the proceeds to Hope for Paws, a charity that works to rescue homeless dogs and provide them with loving homes. It's clear that Knox and his siblings share a love for animals.

He spent the pandemic with his mom and siblings

When the pandemic hit, Knox Jolie-Pitt was confined to his home just like the rest of us. Fortunately for him, he had all his siblings and his mom by his side during the lockdown. Before the pandemic hit, Knox's sister, Zahara, underwent surgery (via Vogue). This was stressful for the family, but she ended up being okay, and that changed their whole mindset around the pandemic — they were thankful to all be together. "We were so happy she was okay that we entered lockdown in a different state of mind," Jolie told Vogue, adding that the pandemic "made us all feel very human together. There's something beautiful about that."

While Knox's dad wasn't at home with them, Jolie noted that their house is only a five-minute drive from Brad Pitt's, so Knox and his siblings could easily go over to visit him anytime. Knox also didn't have to stay holed up inside every day; as Jolie noted, the house has "pathways and places to walk and think."

Knox Jolie-Pitt isn't interested in acting for the time being

Most would probably expect the Jolie-Pitt clan to enter the entertainment industry at some point, but so far, none of them have taken that path yet. While Knox Jolie-Pitt lent his talents to "Kung Fu Panda 3," he hasn't been a part of other projects since. 

When Angelina Jolie made an appearance on BBC Radio 4 as a guest editor in 2016, she revealed that none of her kids were planning on going into acting. She seemed pretty relieved about it, adding that they had other interests (via Newsweek). Jolie noted that Knox did have an interest in music, Jolie said, and was also learning sign language at the time. He was also spotted making his way to a martial arts class in 2021 (via Hollywood Life).

Jolie also tries to involve Knox in her humanitarian projects. "We think of the people who are going through difficult situations, but also talk about their resilience and strength, we admire them, they're heroes in my house," she told BBC Radio 4. "My kids have met children who are refugees and have friends who are refugees." Given his mother's attempts to involve him in these types of projects, Knox might very well have an interest in pursuing similar endeavors when he's older.

He tries to support his mom in every way possible

Knox Jolie-Pitt consistently shows up for his mom whenever she releases a new project. In 2021, he and his siblings were spotted attending the "Eternals" premiere in Los Angeles with Angelina Jolie (via People). They all looked happy to be by her side, and Jolie previously told People that she couldn't be more thankful for their support. Knox loves to see his mom kick butt on screen, and he and his siblings told her as much. "What's really moving to me is that they want to see me strong, and so it's less to see me in a film, but they're just happy I will be strong and having fun," Jolie said at the time.

Knox also shows up for his mom by doing the little things, like planning Mother's Day surprises with the help of his brothers and sisters, as Jolie told Extra. She didn't go into a lot of detail about their specific plans, but said that it's always a surprise and that it usually makes her cry. "It is just the knowing that they are doing something together, and thinking of something together, and that they want to, and that they think it is important always makes me cry," Jolie told the outlet, adding that Knox and his siblings love to make fun of her when she gets teary-eyed at their surprises.

Knox enjoys spending time with his mom

Angelina Jolie is often spotted spending time with her kids, and Knox clearly loves to be out and about with his mom. He also shares some of her interests. Jolie got her pilot's license in 2004 after Knox's older brother, Maddox, inspired her to give flying a shot. Knox took an interest in flying as well, and Jolie revealed that he's practically a born pilot. He took up flying lessons at the humble age of 9 and instantly loved it. "I love being up in the air," she told People, adding, "It makes me crazy happy to see him discover it. He still needs help with the pedals, but won't for long."

Aside from flying planes with Jolie by his side, Knox also enjoys doing everyday things with his mom. They've been photographed going on lunch dates (via Hollywood Life) and visiting the Universal Studios theme park in Florida. They were spotted walking the streets of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, splurging on some magical merchandise, including wizard candy and a wand, before heading to The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade for something to eat (via Metro). 
