New Book Makes Startling Claim About How Donald Trump Almost Fired Ivanka And Jared

The New York Times writer Maggie Haberman has a new book out on former president Donald Trump called "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America." The biography will not be available until next week, but shocking revelations from within its pages are already being disclosed (via Independent).

Among the eyebrow-raising tidbits are that the former commander in chief ran for the top job in the land for a shocking reason, flushed documents down the toilet, that his administration was highly disorganized and that he referred to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as "fat," "phony" as well as "whiny."

And, the book claims, Trump almost fired his daughter and son-in-law in a shocking way. Indeed, Haberman writes that at one point, while the controversial conservative was in a meeting with then-chief of staff John Kelly and then-White House counsel Don McGahn, he floated the idea of letting Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner go via, what else, Twitter (via CNN).

Donald Trump may not like Jared Kushner all that much

In her headline-making new book, Maggie Haberman claims that Donald Trump nearly sent a tweet that would have told his then 80 million followers that his advisors and close family members Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were leaving the White House (via Slate and CNN). Reportedly John Kelly convinced the Republican leader to talk with his daughter and her husband in person about their job status before sending a tweet. 

Meanwhile, according to an excerpt of "Confidence Man" published in The Atlantic, Trump and Kushner have a complicated relationship, with the former POTUS explaining about why he allowed his son-in-law to take on such a big role in his administration, "Look, my daughter has a great relationship with him and that's very important." It's worth noting that incidentally, as Kushner tells it, Trump ruined his engagement to Ivanka.

Elsewhere in the buzzy tome, Haberman claims that Trump also felt that Kushner sounded like a child (via People). Despite these criticisms, the purported firing never took place, and Ivanka and her husband stayed on as senior advisors until Trump left office in 2021.
