Prince Andrew Reportedly Had A Plan To Stop King Charles From Taking The Throne

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After Prince Andrew's settlement with Virginia Giuffre, the disgraced royal thought he could return to "normal" in time. For example, even though Queen Elizabeth II took away her son's military titles after the sexual assault lawsuit, Andrew assumed the queen would allow him to return to his life as a working royal. According to The Daily Beast, Andrew, Duke of York, held a soft spot in the queen's heart. However, now that the beloved monarch is done, King Charles isn't expected to let Prince Andrew off easy.

The royal brothers were never close, even before the Giuffre scandal. The Daily Beast reported in 2017 that age played a part in the divide between the brothers, with Charles 11 years older than Andrew. As the Duke of York got older, he also allegedly became jealous of his oldest brother inheriting the throne and all of the Windsor family wealth as well. In the UK, the custom of Primogeniture allows the firstborn child in a family the entire estate. 

Another factor could be that King Charles (along with many others) got tired of Andrew's role as the family troublemaker. According to Vanity Fair, the queen's second son started making trouble at a young age. The young prince mocked the palace guards and kicked the family dogs. Then, Andrew became a ladies' man in his teens, and his friendship with Jeffery Epstein led to his downfall.

However, Andrew had a plan to stop Charles from taking the throne, according to a new book.

Prince Andrew pushed the queen to keep Charles from throne

According to a new book, Prince Andrew pushed Queen Elizabeth II to keep his brother from becoming king. Angela Levin's new biography, "Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall: From Outcast to Future Queen Consort," claims that Andrew, Duke of York, and Sarah, Duchess of York, plotted with Princess Diana to prevent King Charles III from taking the throne. According to The Daily Mail, a senior palace insider told Levin, "When Diana was alive, through her friendship with Andrew's wife Sarah, [Duchess of York], she plotted with Andrew to try to push Prince Charles aside so Prince Andrew could become Regent to Prince William, who was then a teenager." The inside source added, "His behavior was very, very negative and extremely unpleasant to Queen [Elizabeth], who disagreed. I was told it was one of the rare occasions he didn't get his way."

Not only did Andrew try to keep his brother from becoming king, but Levin's book also alleges he was "hostile" to Queen Camilla and "lobbied" his mother against Charles marrying her. Now that his brother is king, you can bet he hasn't forgotten his brother's betrayal. The New York Post reported that at Queen Elizabeth's funeral, Andrew wasn't allowed to don his military uniform. There will likely be big changes for Andrew in the coming months.
