Baby Names That No One Will Care About In 2018

In 2018, it's out with the old and in with the new. Baby names, like everything else, cycle in and out of popularity. Don't get caught giving your baby a name that is going to sound hopelessly outdated and old fashioned! Here are some of the baby names that no one is going to care about in 2018.


The name Nathaniel has been around for a long time. A variation of the name Nathanael, Nathaniel can trace its roots back to Biblical times. The name saw a brief resurgence in popularity in the 1990s but has been declining ever since. The name is officially off of the top 100 names for baby boys, making Nathaniel a name that will be off everyone's radar in 2018.


The name Ashley dominated baby name lists from the mid 1980s well into the 2000s, but its heyday is finally over. While most people today think of this as a feminine name, for much of its history it was primarily given to boys. Ashley wasn't popularly used for girls until the 1960s. While there are plenty of young people with this name today, its decline in popularity means that by the time your baby goes off to college, people will associate the name with middle-aged women.


For a few years, the name Isabelle looked like it was going to rise in popularity along with the similar-sounding Isabella, but its ascent to glory was brief. Isabelle is slowly fading into obscurity. Even if you do end up using this name for your baby, chances are that people will end up getting mixed up and calling her Isabella anyway.


Taylor was at the height of its popularity in the late 1990s. Originally a masculine baby name, it became far more popular for girls than it is for boys. The name has drastically dropped off in popularity recently, in spite of the popularity of Taylor Swift. Perhaps parents are hesitating to give their children the name of a singer who, while beloved, has become more known for her edgy music rather than the sweet country style of her early years. The old Taylor is dead, and so is her name.


Just like the similar-sounding Taylor is out for girls, the name Tyler is out for boys. Like Taylor, Tyler has also been used as a gender-neutral name, although in recent years it has almost exclusively become a name given to baby boys. In 2018, though, it doesn't look like a name that will be given much to anyone.


In a weird coincidence, the decline in popularity of the name Caleb (for which Cale is often used as a nickname) comes at the same time that the food kale is falling out of favor as a trendy food. While there is no evidence to indicate that the two things are related, the timing is almost eerie. Whatever the reasons behind the downfall, you can expect that no one in 2018 is going to care about the name Caleb, or eating kale.


Once a mega-popular name, Alexa has seen a huge drop in popularity in the last couple of years. It's possible that it has fallen out of favor because of Amazon Echo, a personal assistant device that answers to the name Alexa. Parents who don't want their Echo triggered every time they say their child's name would be wise to shy away from the name Alexa, and it looks like many parents are already doing just that. The only Alexa people will care about in 2018 is the one that can automatically tell you the temperature or the scores from last night's basketball game.


The name Kaylee is fairly new. It didn't start making it onto top name charts until the mid 1980s. For a while, it looked like the trendy moniker was going to make it to the top of the list, but its popularity was short lived. The name has been on its way out for the last couple of years, and it looks like 2018 may be the year that sees Kaylee fading into obscurity.


Like the similar-sounding Kaylee, Kylie is a relatively new name that wasn't really on anyone's radar until the late 20th century. The name was fashionable through the 2000s, but hit a downward spiral in 2016 when its ranking dropped to 83 from 66. Kaylee and Kylie aren't the only baby girl names beginning with the letter "K" falling out of favor, either. Other once-popular names that have recently dropped in the ranks include Katherine and Khloe.


The name Parker isn't going to be totally forgotten in 2018. While it has lost its following as a top-ranked name for boys, the name is becoming more and more popular as a name for girls. Parker has been slowly slipping down the ranks of popular boy names for years, but has seen huge jumps on the list of top names for girls. In another couple years, we could see Parker as one of the most popular baby girl names and forget that it had once been primarily given to baby boys.


The name Chase was originally a nickname given to huntsmen that evolved into a last name. Its use as a given name is fairly recent and the name didn't really become popular until the late 20th century, even gaining some traction as a name for girls for a few years. In spite of its long history, usage of the name is dwindling quickly and the height of its popularity is now in the past. 


The name Gavin has dropped down the ranks at least ten spots each year for the past few years. Its downfall has been swift, and the once popular name will be all but forgotten in 2018. The name has already died out in England and Ireland, and seems to also be experiencing a quick decline in Canada.


Once a popular gender neutral name, Jordan is losing favor as a name for both boys and girls. While it's still in the top 100 names for boys, its ranking has decreased steadily over the last few years. This sharp drop in popularity follows what happened to the usage of Jordan as a girl's name just a few years ago, and doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon. The decline comes at a time when tensions in the Middle East are escalating, so it's possible that parents don't want their child's name to be linked with the country of Jordan.


This moniker has been around since Biblical times and has gone in and out of popularity for as long as it has been around. The tried-and-true name might have endured for a long time, but it's no longer as trendy as it was just a few years ago. Interestingly, the name Jonathan is almost always considered to be a masculine one, but for a brief period in the 1980s it saw notable usage as a feminine name.
