King Charles' Close Friend Lets The Public In On The Monarch's 'Absolute Preoccupation'

Now that Queen Elizabeth's funeral is over, King Charles III begins his reign, but replacing the beloved 96-year-old queen will not be easy. Some of the countries in the British Commonwealth are breaking away now that the queen is gone. According to USA Today, the alliance contains 56 countries and 2.5 billion people worldwide. Out of the 56 countries in the Commonwealth, 14 countries hold King Charles as their head of state. Vanity Fair reported that some Caribbean countries are becoming more independent. In 2021, Barbados voted to become a republic, and the queen stepped down as head of state. While Barbados is still in the Commonwealth, it's likely only a matter of time before the country leaves the alliance. Royal expert Katie Nicholl noted that Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines are considering moving to a republic government.

But there are problems closer to home for the new king. According to The Guardian, the two most popular political parties in Scotland and Northern Ireland are pushing to leave the United Kingdom. In addition, almost 25% of Wales citizens yearn for independence from Great Britain. Welcome to the big show Charles. But the king's close friend let the public in on the monarch's "absolute preoccupation."

King Charles is worried about one country the most

Of all the countries to concern himself with, King Charles III is predominately worried about Scotland leaving the British Commonwealth. Royal expert Katie Nicholl's new book "The New Royals" ponders the future of the royal family and the United Kingdom. Nicholl released excerpts from the book in Vanity Fair, with sources revealing that Scottish independence keeps Charles up at night. "His absolute preoccupation is keeping the union intact," the monarch's close friend explained. "His view is that if he ends up being the king of England, then the kingdom would be diminished, and it would become a huge issue in terms of our global status." The new king expected some Commonwealth countries to leave after the queen's death, but did not want the alliance to break up on his watch. "I imagine it is important to [King] Charles that the Commonwealth won't die with him," constitutional expert Alastair Bruce told Nicholl.

Royal expert Cele Otnes told Express the royal family's charisma was diminished after Harry and Meghan left. The royal author quoted OG royal biographer Tina Brown. "There's a great quote where Tina [Brown] says one of the big problems with Harry and Meghan leaving the brand is that now there is this 'charisma vacancy.' I love that," said Otnes. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spark authentic connections with people, much like Harry's mother, Princess Diana. With all the challenges facing the king, bringing in Harry and Meghan to help seems like a good idea. 
