Twitter Can't Stop Showing Their Support For Meghan Markle Amidst Queen Funeral Events

Coverage of the death of Queen Elizabeth II has been extensive all around the globe. In fact, some say it's been too much. The royal family has seemingly been filmed non-stop since news broke of the Queen's heartbreaking death and plans were put in place for the funeral proceedings (via BBC).

As a result, the world has been tuned in to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reuniting with the royal family. The scrutiny coupled with the grief of losing Her Majesty is intense, and naturally, William, Prince of Wales and Prince Harry are living through a very familiar nightmare.

However, much of the hate on social media has centered on Meghan Markle. It's reported that she would not be welcomed to the Queen's bedside before her death (via Ok Magazine). Now Twitter is showing their support for the Duchess of Sussex and offering words of comfort as she goes under the microscope during this grief-filled time.

One supporter tweeted, "Meghan Markle can't enjoy her pregnancies, have a miscarriage, be depressed, sad, happy, nervous, hug people, hold flowers, hold her baby, holds hands with/comfort her husband, do charity, cry, have suicidal thoughts, guest edit a magazine. LEAVE HER ALONE."

Another user shared a cartoon entitled, "Meghan Markle and the British Press." It shows Markle saving her children from a house fire and then showing the British press writing a headline that says, "Meghan drags kids out of warm house in the winter."

With the funeral set for Monday, the royal family will continue to have their every move captured and unfortunately, scrutinized.
