What Queen Elizabeth Did For A Little Girl Just Before Her Death Will Melt Your Heart

Queen Elizabeth II may not have had a huge personal impact on the lives of most Americans, but she certainly felt important for many Brits across the pond. In an op-ed in People, one writer described how a simple act from the queen just before her death touched her little girl's heart. Writer Monique Jessen wrote that in a "poignant moment," she opened the mailbox to find a letter from the queen addressed to her 5-year-old daughter — the same day the queen died.

"During happier times, my daughter and her friend had drawn pictures wishing the Queen a 'Hapee Jooblee,' and she received a card in return thanking her for the 'kind message' with two pictures of the queen, from ELIZABETH R," Jessen wrote. "Two hours later it was announced she had died." Even more heart-melting is what the little girl said next. "'She just ran out of time Mummy, so she had to do it today,' my daughter told me as she put her card up on display next to her sister's Paddington Bear and drifted off to sleep with memories of her dutiful, extraordinary Queen." 

Before her death on September 7, Queen Elizabeth was known for little acts of kindness like this. For instance, when the mother of a 1-year-old girl in Ohio sent the palace a photo of the little one dressed up as the monarch for Halloween, the queen wrote the little girl a letter in return, per Today.
