Here's What The UK Really Thinks About Their New King

Queen Elizabeth II's heartbreaking death brings about massive change for people in the UK. As the longest reigning British monarch, she was queen for 70 years. Her death marks the transition of power to her eldest son, the new King Charles III. According to Town & Country, the next in line inherits the royal title immediately following the death of the last monarch, leaving Charles to assume the role as king while in mourning over the loss of his mother.

Throughout history, Charles' popularity has taken a nosedive — will becoming king affect public opinion? Data journalist Isabelle Kirk reports that his popularity is higher with older Brits. She adds, "While the same percentage of 18 to 24-year-olds have a positive opinion of Charles as have a negative one (43%), 73% of those aged 65 and over see the Prince in a positive light vs 31% a negative one" (via YouGov). During this time of great change in the UK, fans and critics alike eagerly anticipate the reign of King Charles III as he assumes the title and responsibilities of monarch, wondering just what kind of king he will become.

According to Time Out, there is no word yet about precisely when King Charles III's coronation will be, but a ceremony will be held on September 10th to officially announce his title as King of England. His wife, Camilla, who is only favored by 45% of British people according to YouGov, will assume the title of Queen Consort.
