What Will The Post-Elizabethan Era Of The Monarchy Be Called?

King Charles III, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, assumed the royal throne on September 8, 2022, after the heartbreaking death of his mother. Amid a period of mourning, the reigning king will usher in a post-Elizabethan era of the monarchy. Britain's new Prime Minister Liz Truss, sworn in by the queen just two days before Her Majesty's passing, has declared this a "New Carolean age," a name which pays homage to King Charles III (via Sky News). The second King Charles of England, who held the throne from 1660 to 1685, ruled during what was known as "the Carolean era," a time in English history marked by rampant colonization and the Great Plague of London, per BBC. Charles III, the current symbol of the nation, is expected to modernize what it means to be royal.

In regards to the new king's position on the throne, constitutional expert Sir Anthony Seldon told Sky News, "Charles will not reign for anything like as long [as Queen Elizabeth II], but he will be, I think, a defining monarch who helps the country adapt to its very different faces." King Charles III is expected to make substantial changes to the monarchy, cutting down the number of working royals and advocating for climate reform. "It's unimaginably different in 2022 to how it was in 1952 in terms of its aspirations, standing in the world, sense of its identity, make-up," continued Seldon."It's a ... vastly different country to how it was."
